Do you know that "bee" and "bull" are close relatives? Scientists still argue about the origin of some words that we use every day, what does not prevent us from speaking these words.


If today, speaking the word "money", we first of all remember about Western currencies, then money in Russia certainly had Eastern roots. This word could have entered the Russian language in two different ways. From Iranian traders and travelers, who at that time had silver coins called "tenge" (Middle Persian dāng "coin"), or from the Tatar-Mongols, who later conquered the territory of present-day Russia for a long time.

Moreover, the source of this root in the Turkic languages, to which the Mongol-Tatar dialect also belongs, could be three different things. First, the supreme heavenly deity of the Turkic-Mongolian pantheon is Tengri. Secondly, the collection of money from trade transactions - tamga (originally "brand", "seal"). From there, by the way, our customs also left. And thirdly, the Türkic coin tängä, the name of which, with the help of a suffix, was formed from the word “tän” denoting a squirrel. In this case, we can draw an analogy with the Old Russian word "kuna" (marten), which was called 1/22 hryvnia. This reflects the functioning of furs as money in the early stages of the development of society.

Young woman

It would seem that everything is very simple: the girl is from a virgin. But if you dig deeper, it turns out that the Proto-Slavic * děva originates in the Proto-Indo-European word * dhē (i̯), which means "to suck, feed with the help of the breast." In this, by the way, she is close to children (dѣtѩ), who come from the same root. From there, the Old Russian verb "to reach" - "to breastfeed."


It's not that simple with guys either. This word, most likely, comes from the Proto-Slavic * рrę - a diminutive nickname from рrobьkъ (here you can recall the Ukrainian boy), going back to "rob" (boy).

The original root here is * orbę, which also gave "child" and "slave", which developed from one of the meanings of the word "rob" - "orphan", since, according to some sources, it was the orphans who did the most difficult housework.


Russian words for meals have a fairly transparent logic of education. Breakfast comes from the combination "for the morning", meaning the period of time - "during the morning."

Lunch was formed from the ancient prefix * ob- and the root * ed- and meant, in general ... "overeat". Indeed, according to the rules of normal nutrition in our latitudes, lunch should be the most plentiful meal.

It may seem that dinner is when all things are ALREADY redone and you can take up food. Dal hints about this in his dictionary, but still the word "supper" comes from the Old Russian "ug", that is, "south". And all because they sat down to supper when the sun was in the south. Initially, "supper" was called an afternoon snack. In other Slavic languages, dinner is called "supper"


Scientists have been fighting with this word for several centuries. Dahl suggests that the pillow is something that is put under the ear. Fasmer, Shansky and Chernykh are sure that this is something that is blown away by something (down, feathers, cotton wool and even holofiber, be it wrong). There are also less serious, but more emotional versions of the origin of this word: 1) what they cry into when it is necessary to pour out the SOUL, and 2) what the SOUL


They say that fools in their most widespread meaning today were born thanks to the archpriest Avvakum. So in the 17th century, in his writings, he called rhetoricians, philosophers, logicians and other "champions of demonic wisdom", comparing them to buffoons.

However, the root from which this word comes from itself was ready to take on the corresponding meaning. Philologists believe that "fool" originated from the Proto-Indo-European * dur (to bite, sting) and at first meant "bitten", "stung", then transformed into "mad, crazy, sick" (from a bite) and only then turned into "bad, stupid. " By the way, the ritual of initiation into buffoons also has to do with this. According to one of the versions, the candidate for jesters, before starting his professional career, had to survive the bite of a viper.


Who would have thought that the bee and the bull are relatives. And if from the point of view of biology they are very far from each other, then philologically they are brother and sister.

The fact is that they come from one Proto-Slavic root, which denoted a sound of a certain character. Hence, by the way, the outdated word "buchat" (buzz, buzz) and a bug. The bee itself was written in Old Russian like this - it was, but after the fall of the reduced ones and the stunning of B in front of H, it acquired its present appearance.

How often we are faced with the fact that we want to convey to another person some idea, but do not find the right word! But it, this word, may be, but not everyone knows about it.

1. Jamais vu- a state opposite to déjà vu, a sudden onset of the feeling that a well-known place or person seems to be completely unknown

2. L'esprit d'escalier(French) is a literal translation for "spirit of the staircase." The feeling that arises in a person after the conversation has already taken place, but he understands that he said everything wrong, that it was necessary to say this and that, but it’s too late.

3. Vagitus- the cry of a newborn baby.

4. Glabel- designation of the area on the face of a person located between the eyebrows.

5. Defenestration- the act of throwing someone out of the window.

6. Descriptions- a condition in which it is difficult to get out of bed in the morning.

7. Zarf- a wrapper (scarf) on the outside of a plastic coffee cup. Designed not to burn yourself.

8. Interrobang- when you use question and exclamation marks at the same time.

9. Callubble- rumbling in the stomach from hunger.

10. Columella- the space between the nostrils.

11. Lamniscata- the Infinity symbol.

12. Lunula- a crescent moon at the base of the nail.

13. Misophonia- uncontrollable rage against a person who eats or even breathes loudly while eating with you.

14. Mondegrin- incomprehensible words in songs.

15. Narcolepsy- a state where a person immediately falls asleep as soon as the vehicle starts moving.

16. Natiforma- natural formations, usually trees, rocks, stones that resemble female forms.

18. Petrikor- the smell of the earth after the rain.

19. Punt- the bottom of the wine bottle.

20. Racket- strip (fold) on the inside of the wrist.

21. Rhinorrhea- lingering rhinitis.

22. Snolligoster- a person who is guided by personal benefit, and not by official duties and general human principles.

23. Textrovert- the one who is bolder in SMS than in a personal conversation.

24. Trench- leather belt loop that holds the free end of the fastened belt.

25. The Baader-Meinhof phenomenon- when you see something for the first time, and then you start noticing it everywhere.

26. Phloem- long fibers on the peel from a banana.

27. Phosphenes- the spots of light that you see when you close your eyes and press your fingers on the eyeballs.

28. Frisson- chills while listening to music that you like.

29. Chunking- Conscious or unconscious spitting of food.

30. Eglet- metal or plastic lace tip for easy threading of laces.

Which of these words did you already know?

A small paired muscle is responsible for the wrinkles between the eyebrows, which is called the muscle that wrinkles the eyebrow (in Latin - corrugator superciliaris). The muscle starts from the frontal bone closer to the inner upper edge of the orbit, stretches along the brow arch and is woven into the fibers of the frontal muscle, attaching to the skin of the eyebrow. By contracting, it gathers the glabellar space into folds.

Often we habitually frown without noticing this: the untrained muscle shrinks, and the entire burden of our emotional worries is imprinted on the face in the form of vertical grooves between the eyebrows.

Cosmetologists suggest you inject Botox, surgeons - an even more radical way: to cut these muscles. Do not rush to take drastic and dangerous measures! With two exercises, you can train yourself to keep the puckering muscles flat and relaxed.

Gloomy morning

This exercise is only performed if there are pronounced vertical wrinkles between the eyebrows! If you do not have them and you just want to prevent their occurrence, go directly to the exercise "Third Eye"

Starting position: sitting or standing, the spine is straightened, the muscles of the cranial vault are stretched back and up. Place your index fingers on your eyebrows, fixing the muscles that wrinkle the eyebrow. Stretch the brow area slightly, creating tension in the muscles.

Fulfillment: try to furrow your eyebrows, while creating resistance with your fingers and not allowing the skin between the eyebrows to wrinkle. Hold the tension for 1 second, then relax your eyebrows. Do 10-15 repetitions, a short break, and again 10-15 repetitions. Then be sure to do the "Third Eye" exercise.

Important! The frown is strong enough to feel the tension and muscle fatigue, but not enough to overcome the resistance of the fingers and wrinkle the skin. Our goal is to make the muscles work, not get new wrinkles. Trace in the mirror so that no additional wrinkles form in the corners of the eyes; do not move your face, do not purse your lips. Strive to work only the muscles that wrinkle the eyebrow! If you can't keep your face relaxed, weaken the effort of the working muscles.

In the presence of pronounced vertical wrinkles, this exercise can be done 1-2 times a day, 5 times a week (two days for rest)

Third Eye

Performed immediately after Gloomy Morning or instead of it (if there are no vertical wrinkles between the eyebrows)

Starting position: sitting or standing, the spine is straightened, the muscles of the cranial vault are stretched back and up.

Execution: the exercise is performed in two stages.

1. Run your fingertips over the eyebrows several times from the center to the temples, smoothing the muscles in the direction of the fingers movement. The movement is light, like a butterfly's wing. Stretch the muscles of the forehead from the center to the periphery: imagine that ribbons are tied to the ends of the eyebrows, which are tied tightly at the back of the head. Record this sensation.

Arrows show the direction of muscle tension

2. Tap in the area between the eyebrows with folded index, middle and ring fingers, keeping the muscle tension in the direction from the center to the periphery. Tap at a fast pace, lightly, creating a pleasant vibration in the third eye area. Feel how the vibration spreads to the forehead, temples, crown and reaches the back of the head. Feel significant relaxation in the area between the eyebrows. We do 30-60 seconds. This exercise can be done several times a day every day. Do it whenever you feel a weight between the eyebrows.

Important: Do not knock too hard. The tapping is palpable, but painless. Make sure that the eyebrows do not rise - they do not stretch up, but to the sides. The movement of the hand is only in the wrist, the hand is relaxed.

In one of the previous articles, we already talked about how the shape of a person, having considered, how the owners of a sloping, sloping forehead differ from people with a straight forehead.

Bulging forehead() informs about the irascibility and tough character of a person with the ability to exact sciences, flexible mind and imagination (see article ""). Among such people, there are more often those who think more than act. They need more time to make a final decision than others. In some situations, it is said that "his master has a clumsy, dull mind."

In addition, examining a person in full face, physiognomists distinguish a number of other features of the shape of the forehead, which can tell a lot about the character of its owner.

So, high forehead occurs in people who are distinguished by the consistency of thinking and actions, the desire for a holistic perception of the world and people. This is often associated with a quick, intelligent mind.

Low forehead has a small space between and. Its owners value accuracy and accuracy very much, they have a good memory for facts and figures, a sharp mind. It is more important for them to live the present day with quality than to dream about the future.

People with wide forehead they love to dream, to conduct internal dialogues, to reason with themselves. They think a lot about the future.

If the forehead is high and wide, then a person strives for a complete understanding of the events and situations experienced, it is important for him to find as many different options for solving complex problems as possible, while remaining helpless in everyday, everyday matters.

Square forehead- a well-organized, systematic person has such a forehead. He has a high level of self-control, good self-discipline and the ability to take responsibility for all his actions and decisions. Such a forehead is also proof of masculinity, wisdom of a person, conviction of his own righteousness.

Rectangular forehead often belongs to reasonable people, with a well-formed will. Among them there are many who enjoy mental activities (see also).

Oblong forehead characterizes people with flexible mind, rich imagination. True, their flexibility of mind is not always combined with flexibility of behavior.

Round forehead(full face) distinguishes active and active individuals with the ability and inclination to be entrepreneurial.

Flat, narrow forehead says 6 that its owner is not resourceful, with difficulty making decisions.

How often we are faced with the fact that we want to convey to another person some idea, but do not find the right word! But it, this word, may be, but not everyone knows about it. We decided to help you, dear reader, and have compiled a list of names of things and concepts, knowledge of which you can shine at the first opportunity. So, let's begin.

Glabel- This is the designation of the area on the face of a person located between the eyebrows.

Vagitus... The cry of a newborn baby.

Chunking... Consciously or unconsciously spitting food.

Zarf... Wrap (scarf) on the outside of a plastic coffee cup. Designed not to burn yourself.

Snolligoster... A person who is guided by personal benefit, and not by official duties and general human principles.

Natiforma... Natural formations, usually trees, rocks, stones, which resemble a female form.

Columella... The space between the nostrils.

Rhinorrhea... Prolonged rhinitis.

Punt... Bottom of a wine bottle

Jamais vu- a state opposite to déjà vu, a sudden onset of the feeling that a well-known place or person seems completely unknown.

Misophonia... Uncontrollable rage against someone who eats or even breathes loudly while eating with you

Carcolepsy... The state when a person immediately falls asleep as soon as the vehicle starts moving

Baader-Meinhof phenomenon... When you see something for the first time and then you start noticing it everywhere

Collywubble... Rumbling in the stomach from hunger

Trench... Leather belt loop that holds the free end of the fastened belt

Frisson... Chills while listening to music you like.

Racket... Stripe (fold) on the inside of the wrist.

L'Esprit d'Escalier... A good line or persuasive argument comes to mind too late, when the argument is over.

Textrovert... 1. The one who is bolder in SMS than in a personal conversation. 2. The one who is inclined to share his real feelings in SMS.

The dictionary of Ellochka the Cannibal, the character of the immortal work of Ilf and Petrov, "Twelve Chairs", was 30 words, with them she could express almost any of her thoughts, but is this a worthy example to follow? Not at all. And although it is impossible to master all the 500 thousand words that are in the Russian language, but, as they say, it is better to try and not succeed than not to try at all. Therefore, we present to you a small selection of what we often and not very much come across, but do not know what is called.

(31 photos total)

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First, let's take a look at ourselves.

1. Glabel - the area on the face between the eyebrows

2. Columella - the lower part of the nose, located between the nostrils

3. Filtrum - a vertical depression between the septum of the nose and the upper lip

4. Lunula - a crescent moon at the base of the nail

5. Racket - a strip (fold) on the inside of the wrist, (in the photo above the tattoo, by the way, the infinity sign is called a lemniscate)

Our (and not our) sensations, actions, states.

6. Calliubble - rumbling in the stomach from hunger

7. Frisson - chills while listening to music that you like

8. Chunking - conscious or unconscious spitting of food

9. Rhinorrhea - lingering rhinitis

10. Frapping is unpleasant to surprise

11. Ideolatry - self-adoration, self-worship, deification of oneself

12. Misophonia - uncontrollable rage against a person who eats or even breathes loudly while eating with you

13. Amok - a sudden violent mental disorder

14. Palinphrasia - pathologically frequent repetition of certain words or phrases in speech

15. Disis is a condition in which it is difficult to get out of bed in the morning

16. Paresthesia - a feeling of tingling, numbness and goose bumps in the limbs

17. Phosphenes - spots of light that you see when you close your eyes and press on them with your fingers

18. Antimony - chatter, empty talk

19. Textrovert - someone who finds it easier to tell about their feelings in SMS than live

Now let's take a look around us.

20. Petrikor - the smell of the earth after rain

21. Zarf - a wrapper (scarf) on the outside of a plastic coffee cup. Designed not to burn yourself

22. Punt - the bottom of a bottle of wine

23. Nirdle is a very small piece of toothpaste that does not want to separate from the tube

24. Ferrul - metal part at the end of a pencil with an eraser 27. Ideal locator - an arrow on the map indicating your current position 30. Defenestration - the act of throwing someone out of the window

31. And don't forget, reading determines verbal additivity (increases vocabulary)

The famous Mexican artist and iconic figure of that time, Frida Kahlo, had no distance between her eyebrows at all, which did not stop her from breaking men's hearts and being extremely popular. She had almost fused, wide, black eyebrows. But we'll talk about how to correctly calculate and arrange the space between the eyebrows.

There is a fairly simple but effective algorithm of actions. Take a cosmetic pencil and press it vertically against the wing of your nose. The point of intersection of the pencil and the first hairs will be the starting point of growth. Repeat the same procedure on the other side. You can safely remove those hairs that are in the region of the bridge of the nose, in the interval between the points of the beginning of growth.

Now visualize the distance between your eyes. If they are planted close, then the distance of the growth points (following the proportions of the face) should be no more than one and a half fingers wide. If the eyes are set far enough, the gap will be about two fingers thick.

But in order for the eyebrows to look neat and tidy, it is also important to choose their shape and curve. Do not move the pencil far away, you will need it to determine the length and peak of the bend. Place the pencil on the wing of the nose and draw it to the outer corner of the eye to find the end point. If you bring the pencil back a little, to the edge of the iris, you get a bend point. Now you can remove hairs after the end point and below the bend point.

As for the width and thickness of the hair, then the proportions of the face should be guided by. For example, for women with large features and large eyes, wide eyebrows will make their eyes even more expressive. But the small eyes under them will simply be lost. You should also avoid wide and thick forms for girls with thin facial features. If close-set eyes are "pressed" from above with thick, wide eyebrows, it will give the girl a frown.

As a rule, there is a very large distance between the eyes and eyebrows in women with a triangular face type - with a wide forehead and a narrow chin. Here, rounded eyebrows are ideal, with an emphasis on the place where growth begins.

For girls with an oval face, on the contrary, you need to "open up" the eyes a little, so as not to visually narrow the face in the region of the nose, further stretching the oval. For this, the gap between the eyebrows is slightly increased.

How to visually decrease or increase the distance between the eyes?

Wide-set eyes can be visually "brought closer" to each other, if you do not remove a lot of hairs between the eyebrows. The greater the distance from one eyebrow to the other, the more distant the eyes will appear. But if you tint the hairs at the point of growth, the eyes will visually "move" slightly towards each other. You can also use the double staining technique - the tip and the gap after the break should be colored in a darker shade, and from the point of growth to the break - in a light one. For example, the tip is dyed dark brown, and the hairs at the beginning are dyed light brown.

Close-set eyes will visually "move apart" a little if the tips of the eyebrows are lengthened with a pencil.

There are many virtual makeup programs on the Internet where you can choose different shapes of eyebrows online.

In addition to removing unnecessary hairs, you need to monitor the appearance of your eyebrows - nourish them with oils, brush them regularly and use only high-quality coloring products. Light strokes with a sharpened pencil will add volume, shading the shadows will make the color more saturated, and the gel will fix the shape. These simple manipulations will make your eyebrows look beautiful and well-groomed.

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    Thank you so much for the very useful information in the article. Everything is very clear. Feels like a lot of work has been done to analyze the eBay store

    • Thank you and other regular readers of my blog. Without you, I wouldn't have been motivated enough to devote a lot of time to running this site. My brains are arranged like this: I like to dig deep, organize scattered data, try what no one has done before, or did not look from this angle. It is a pity that only our compatriots, due to the crisis in Russia, are by no means up to shopping on eBay. They buy on Aliexpress from China, as goods there are several times cheaper (often at the expense of quality). But online auctions eBay, Amazon, ETSY will easily give the Chinese a head start on the range of branded items, vintage items, handicrafts and various ethnic goods.

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        It is your personal attitude and analysis of the topic that is valuable in your articles. Don't leave this blog, I often look here. There should be many of us. Email me I recently received an offer to teach me how to trade on Amazon and eBay. And I remembered your detailed articles about these bargaining. area I reread it all over again and concluded that the courses are a scam. I haven't bought anything on eBay myself. I am not from Russia, but from Kazakhstan (Almaty). But we, too, do not need extra spending yet. I wish you the best of luck and take care of yourself in the Asian region.

  • It's also nice that eBay's attempts to russify the interface for users from Russia and the CIS countries have begun to bear fruit. After all, the overwhelming majority of citizens of the countries of the former USSR are not strong in the knowledge of foreign languages. No more than 5% of the population know English. There are more among young people. Therefore, at least the interface in Russian is a great help for online shopping on this marketplace. Ebey did not follow the path of his Chinese counterpart Aliexpress, where a machine (very clumsy and incomprehensible, sometimes causing laughter) translation of the description of goods is performed. I hope that at a more advanced stage in the development of artificial intelligence, high-quality machine translation from any language to any in a matter of seconds will become a reality. So far we have this (a profile of one of the sellers on ebay with a Russian interface, but an English-language description):