Movement of molecules in gases, liquids and solidsIn the world around us, various kinds of physical phenomena occur that are directly related to changes in body temperature. Since childhood, we have known that cold water, when heated, first becomes barely warm and only after a certain time becomes hot. Read more "

Law of conservation of momentum for jet propulsionTHE IMPULSE OF A BODY IS A vector quantity equal to the PRODUCT OF THE MASS OF A BODY AND ITS SPEED: The momentum of a body weighing 1 kg moving at a speed of 1 m/s is taken as a unit of impulse in the SI system. This unit is called KILOGRAM METER PER SECOND (kg m/s). Read more "

Body impulse: definition and propertiesLet's do some simple transformations with the formulas. According to Newton's second law, the force can be found: F=m*a. The acceleration is found as follows: a=v⁄t. Thus we get: F=m*v /t. Determination of the momentum of a body: formula It turns out that force characterizes Read more "

Winchester tunnel or tunnel?In 2016, Russia's first Winchester-type transport tunnel opened in Moscow. Due to its two-story design, the structure has greater throughput and at the same time takes up less space than standard transport interchanges. Korresponde Read more "