If you have noticed, we are very fond of composing fairy tales, for example, recently we have composed musical fairy tales about and.

I say “we” because, as a mother, I also put my efforts into this and help, correct what I come up with.

In general, in a child it is imperative to develop this writing skill, because even if he does not become a famous writer in your future, in any case it will be useful to him at school in reading lessons, literature, history, geography and just where needed to explain or tell something.

Let's try with you today.

In general, a fairy tale is the same story, only all the events in it are fabulous, magical. Therefore, in order to compose any fairy tale, you need to use certain rules and a special plan.

The first thing to do is to define the theme, that is, what our story (fairy tale) will be about.

Second, it is imperative to formulate the main idea of ​​the future story, that is, for what, for what purpose, are you writing it, what it should teach the listeners.

And the third is to directly build a story according to the following scheme:

  1. Exposition (who, where, when, what did)
  2. The plot of the action (how it all began)
  3. Action development
  4. Climax (highlights)
  5. Decline of action
  6. Denouement (how it ended)
  7. The ending

Do not be afraid to call a preschooler such difficult concepts as "exposure", "culmination". Even if he does not remember them now, he will certainly learn the very principle of construction and will be able to apply it in the future.

According to exactly the same rules, stories are compiled and essays are written at school, so this material can be safely used by schoolchildren.

So, let's now directly move on to inventing a fairy tale.

Before you is the fairy tale "The Travel of the Ball", which was composed by Seraphim when he was 5 years old. And using her example, we will see how to compose a fairy tale.

To compose a fairy tale, you can slightly expand the algorithm to make it easier for the child to navigate.

1. Beginning (for example, there was a rain, a flower, the sun, etc.)

2. Setting (once, once he went or decided to do, etc.)

3. Development of action (met someone, for example)

  • passed the first test
  • passed the second test

4. Climax (third trial after which he or he turns into someone or something)

5. Recession of action (someone is doing something to make our hero regain his original appearance)

6. Interchange (since then or since)

7. Ending (and they began to live as before, or did he not go anywhere else, etc.)

Once upon a time there was a boy Alyosha with a balloon. And one day, when Alyosha fell asleep, he decided to go for a walk.

A ball flies and flies, and a rainbow is meeting it.

- Why are you flying here? Where is your house? You can get lost or burst!

And the ball answers her:

- I want to see the world and show myself.

Flies, flies, and a cloud to meet him.

- How did you end up here? After all, there are so many dangers around!

And the ball answers:

- Do not disturb me! I want to see the world and show myself. And he flew on.

Flies, flies, and the wind is towards him.

- Why are you walking here? You can burst!

But the ball again did not obey the elders. And then the wise wind decided to teach him a lesson.

- Oo-oo-oo-oo - the wind blew out.

The ball flew with great speed into reverse side and caught on a branch. And his thread was untied, and he hung on a branch like a rag.

And at that very time our boy Alyosha was walking along the path. He was picking mushrooms in the forest and suddenly sees a rag hanging on a branch. Looks, and this is his balloon. The boy was very happy, took the balloon home and blew it up again.

And the ball at home told Alyosha about his adventures and never flew for a walk without Alyosha again.

Such interesting tasks, for example, are given to kids in their lessons by a wonderful teacher, teacher of Russian language and literature - Popova Nadezhda Ivanovna. Many thanks to her !!!

Having learned even before school to competently compose fairy tales, stories, retell short texts, at school he will retell, write presentations and essays without any problems. Therefore, do not be lazy and start doing this with your child even before school.

Well, so that the kid can see his result clearly, as they say, you can write down your fairy tales there, which we will do tomorrow.

A fairy tale is a powerful weapon against bad mood, insomnia, injustice. She is able to re-educate, shame, hint. And what is important - everyone can compose it. How to do it? We will tell you how to write a fairy tale that you like, surprise and remember for a long time.

1. Develop imagination.

In order to write a fairy tale, you need. The chances of it coming after a day's work or while cleaning the house are slim. Then where to find it? The answer is clear - among children. By playing with them in the sandbox, observing their immediate behavior, you can start fantasizing together. Children will definitely give you an idea of ​​how to write a fairy tale.

This is exactly what Alan Alexander Milne, the author of the famous story of Christopher Robin and Winnie the Pooh, once did. He was not a children's author, but playing with his son, listening to him, his ideas, the writer created a world-famous bestseller.

2. Select a genre.

When fairy tales appeared, it is impossible to determine, since they belonged to the oral folk. They were told to young children in order to reason, educate, and convey an edifying thought. Since then, all stories for children have been divided into three categories (genres).

  • Magic- the plot contains magical objects or events (self-assembled tablecloth, transformations).
  • About animals- the main characters are animals endowed with human qualities (the life of animals in a mitten).
  • Social and household- people of different classes appear, everyday or social problems are raised (the story of porridge with an ax).

Genres may overlap, but the genre baseline is best defined in advance.

3. Think over the topic and the main idea.

You need to think about what the fairy tale will be about. It is advisable to put the wording in one sentence, since the specifics at the beginning of the work contributes to its advancement.

The peculiarity of fairy tales is that they must necessarily teach something. A tale without, like an anecdote without a funny ending.

But the lesson must be carefully veiled. That is, not to speak directly is bad, to give the little reader the opportunity to close up the conclusions himself, to push them towards them. When the theme, as well as the main idea, are determined, it will become clear how to write the tale further.

4. Determine the target audience.

Books for adults do not have return restrictions, they do not write “it is recommended to read people from 30 to 40 years old or 50+”. But children's stories are always designed for an audience of a certain age - preschoolers, primary school students, and so on.

Based on this, it will be easier to form the communication style of the characters, the level of complexity of their speech.

5. Create unique characters and unusual reality.

Baba Yaga, Koschey the Immortal, Puss in Boots are bright, interesting characters that a beginning storyteller should better forget. An interesting, not unlike anyone else with a fancy name is a guarantee that the text will want to be read.

What matters is the reality in which the characters will exist. It should be like nothing else, original. Here you can give free rein, having come up with, for example, houses with wings, honey roads or the country of pears.

It is worth imagining all the features of this world, every detail in the characters' images. Children are very attentive readers, they will immediately notice a "blunder" or a contradiction.

How to write a fairy tale to be successful? Bring your unique hero to life and believe in him!

6. Come up with an interesting storyline.

In order not to get confused in the events of your own narrative and to keep their logical course, you need to adhere to a certain composition.

  • Introduction- interests the audience, prompts them to read the text further. Here we introduce readers to the main character, and also give an idea of ​​what the story will be about.
  • Tie- the event that starts everything. The plot should intrigue, introduce into the essence of what is happening.
  • Action development- in this part of the story, the hero meets obstacles, solves problems. The plot should be interesting and dynamic. Only in this mode will the child read to the main episode.
  • Climax- this is the most intense and touching moment in history. It is necessary to close it up in such a way that it will take your breath away from the experience of the main character. How will he get out of this situation? What will it do? Will loyal friends help him? What would I do? If so many questions are buried in a small head, it means that the culmination part is well written.
  • Conclusion- now all the worst is over. Readers can only enjoy the victory, savor the triumph of good over evil.

Following this plan is how to write a fairy tale so that its plot develops consistently and logically.

7. Hone your writing skills.

To "catch the wave", you can start by remaking several famous fairy tales. Or write fan fiction for them (continued). An exercise called "Wordplay" will help "stir up the imagination." What is its meaning?

Here are the lines already written:

An evil wizard enchanted the castle by stealing the princess.

What if you can mix them up?

The evil castle has stolen the wizard and the princess.

Or like this:

The enchanted princess was looking for the wizard's castle.

This can be continued until a suitable option appears.

8. Stick to style.

  • Don't use complicated, too long sentences.
  • Avoid lyrical digressions, philosophical discourses.
  • Monitor vocabulary - do not use words that children do not understand.

Adults pick up children's books in order to distract and. And children listen to them in order to be transported to other worlds.

This process should go unnoticed by them. How to write a fairy tale, how to achieve this? Read and re-read your own text, improving it.

9. Come up with a name.

It is best to name your work when it is finished. The plot can change during the writing, so there is no need to rush.

10. It's all about the little things.

Good triumphs over evil.

This is one of the main features of this type of creativity. Why it happened so, the opinions of philologists differ. This topic can be discussed, but the law cannot be violated. The ending has to be good.

Magic numbers.

When the numbers 3, 7, 12 fall into a fairy tale, they cease to be ordinary. These numbers are real symbols. They give the narration an intriguing mystery: 3 questions, 3 trials, 3 heroes and so on.

True friend.

The main character needs an assistant who will prompt, helping in difficulties. You can make it funny. In modern stories, this is a real trend. For example, a donkey from the cartoon "Shrek". To make you laugh and support in trouble are the two main functions of such a character.

Means of artistic expression.

Without hyperbole (exaggeration), antithesis (opposition), constant epithets (red maiden), vivid comparisons, it will not be possible to create a colorful speech atmosphere. Their role in the text is very important, since it is the means of artistic expression that form images in ours. A person who wants to learn how to write a fairy tale needs to master this artistic weapon.

Author's position.

How to write a fairy tale? Simple enough, if you have the desire, develop and stock up on time. By following our advice, you can create a unique interesting story, which will become a favorite for many.

Tatiana and Ivan

Illustrators: D. Kozlova,

Mayorova K., Tkachenkova V.

Once upon a time there was a family. Mom, dad, three sons, and the youngest son Ivan was special. Most of all, the parents loved their youngest son. For this, the brothers disliked him and wanted to kill him. When mom and dad left, the brothers were left alone. Then they took sharp knives and wanted to destroy Ivanushka. But then mom and dad came and kicked them out of the house. Brothers nowhere to go, went to the forest. And they came across an old house. We entered the house. And there sits a witch with her cat. And she says:

Why did you come, really for dinner with me?

No, the brothers answered in unison. They thought and said: - We were kicked out of the house. We wanted to kill my brother, he is very strange.

Nothing, - said the witch, - I will help you if you help me.

How will you help us? the brothers ask.

I will enchant your brother, and you will bring me daughter Tatyana from Tsar Nicholas.

The brothers agreed and hit the road. For ten years they traveled to Tsar Nicholas. And they don't know how to get Tatiana. They climbed over a large wall.

We reached the princess's chambers. They tied her up and left. The way back was faster, it took the brothers five years. They got to the witch. And the brothers say:

We did ours, now it's your turn.

Okay, - said the witch, and began to conjure.

And the brothers ask: - Why do you need Tatiana?

I want to marry my son, - says the witch. She finished her magic and said: "When you come home, throw a splash on your brother and he will become whoever you wish." They returned home and saw in front of them not a little boy, but already a groom. "Here they are, they are not dusty!" - said the parents.

Night fell, everyone fell asleep. The brothers got up, began to sprinkle water on Ivan and say: "We want him to become a frog!" Witchcraft did not work. "Liar witch!" - said the middle brother. And they went back to the witch.

Are you a witch, you decided to deceive us, the potion does not work!

How does it not work? - the witch was surprised, - Come on. When she was collecting the potion, the brothers asked: - Where is Tatiana?

Sitting in the cellar, waiting for my son.

They entered the house and the witch began to conjure. It does not work. Ivanushka woke up, took her by the collar and by the threshold. He asks the brothers: "Where is Tatiana?" The brothers told Ivan where Tatyana was. Ivan went after her. He enters the witch's house, sees Tatiana sitting on a chair tied. He untied her, began to go out, and there the witch's son comes in, and without a word pushed Ivan away and left with Tatiana. Ivan caught up with him, pulled out a sword and thrust it into the witch's son.

Soon Ivan and Tatiana played a wedding, lived and made good money.

There was once a little boy named Ilyusha. He was very kind and dreamed of becoming a wizard in order to bring happiness to people. He had two brothers who were very angry, so no one liked them. They were very jealous of Ilya and hated him. Once they decided to get rid of him, gave him a letter, which they themselves wrote and said that this letter was brought by a white dove. The boy opened the letter and read the following:

Hello Ilyusha!
I am the great wizard Alkhevo and I live at the end of the world, there ...

What about dragons again ?!
-Not really - about the dragon
-And a fairy tale again?
-And what if this is true ?!

It's just a fairy tale. The tale of a magical dragon living on the shores of the Pacific Ocean.

Why quiet? Because the coast is quiet here, rarely anyone comes here. And for a long time there has been a small black dragon named Nia. What is she doing there, alone, on the shores of the Pacific Ocean? She has a lot of things to do. She draws bizarre patterns in the sand. And as soon as she finishes her pattern, came running ...

Miracles don't just happen in fairy tales. They happen every day, with different people. And on Valentine's Day, fairy tales are just beginning.

She sat by the eye and smoked, opening the window, letting the cold air into the apartment. February frosts are in full swing -30 for the whole week, the temperature does not even think to drop.

The girl finished smoking, throwing her cigarette butt out the window, but remained standing by the window. Breathing in the frosty air, she, without blinking, looked through the glass at the snow. On the street, despite the frost, it was ...

So, we begin our lecture - began the Supreme Master of the School.

(Why do you think the Supreme? Well, this is so that it sounded beautiful, intricate and frightening. After all, in our school of wizards and sorceresses, there is only one Master teaches. So, what should he be called? Just like that Master, a simple ordinary Master? There are plenty of simple Masters everywhere, but go find more Supreme Masters. And although not many people understand how the ordinary one differs from the Supreme one, but it sounds weighty and a little scary. If someone turns to ...

Once upon a time there was a prince. He was rich, handsome, smart, talented ... in general, he possessed so many virtues that I will get tired of listing them ... But he had a terrible secret ... having learned which friends would cry, and enemies rejoiced ... Every night this darling of fate had nightmares. ... Many healers tried to help him, countless how many different tinctures he tried, how many sessions of extrasensory perception he attended ... but nothing helped ... and then one day ...

Once the chief vizier found in ...

I'm someone's little striped happiness, but whose? How can I know whose happiness I am? - bitterly sighed the little kitten stomping down the street.

He meowed pitifully, or rather it seemed to others that he was meowing, but in fact he was crying. Kittens cry too, can you imagine little kittens can also cry when they are lonely, when they are sad and when they do not know whose happiness they are.

After all, a small kitten is a joyful fluffy ball of happiness, which later grows into a large sedate cat or ...

Magic bowl

A long time ago, a lonely village huddled among endless fields, and five families lived in it. They lived together, like one big family, helped each other in everything and never lost heart.

There was a special custom in this village, inherited from grandfathers and great-grandfathers.

Each family in their yard cultivated a garden on which various aromatic herbs-spices grew. Once a week, all the residents brought these herbs to the center of the village. There was a large tent, and under the tent was an extraordinary vessel, a huge ...

Magic phone

Once upon a time there was a boy. It was an ordinary modern boy. He had a computer, but he dreamed of a cell phone. And one day his dream came true. For his birthday he was presented with a small, very similar to a toy, but a real phone.

He was very happy and constantly called back to dad and mom. One day he wanted to call dad, but he made a wrong number and heard an unfamiliar male voice on the phone:

- This is the telephone service of desires.

The boy was surprised, but still ...

Tananov Alexander

Continuation of Russian folk tale"Lesichka-sister and the wolf"

Meanwhile, the fox is riding a wolf, and she herself is thinking how to profit. She says to the wolf:
- Wolf-brother, there is something as you want!
“And don’t tell me, sister, my belly’s completely cramped,” the wolf answers her.
- Now I would like to taste chicken ... - continues the cheat.
- Where can I get it? the wolf asks.
And the fox replies:
- There is a house on the edge of the village, there is a big chicken coop there. We'll make our way there at night, we will carry off the chickens.
- And what about the dogs? The whole skin will be ripped off! - the wolf is afraid.
“Don’t be afraid,” says the fox. “I'll take all the danger on myself. I'll climb into the chicken coop, I'll get the chickens for us, and you are on guard at the fence.
On that and decided. We waited for the night, made our way to the chicken coop. Fox says:
- Brother, I'm in the chicken coop, and you wait here, distract the dogs, and I'll bring us chicken coats.
The fox climbed into the chicken coop, but the wolf remained at the fence. The cheat climbed into the barn, began to catch chickens. The birds were alarmed, they raised a cry. The dogs heard and came running. The wolf got scared, rushed into the crack in the fence, but got stuck. Dogs bite him, wag him. The wolf escaped violently. And the fox, while the dogs were chasing the wolf, got out of the hen house and fled into the forest with the prey in its teeth. She ate the birds, she walks happily, well-fed, and towards her the battered wolf barely weaves. I saw a fox and asked:
- Sister, did you manage to pull out the chicken?
- Where there is, - the fox answers. - I made it out on my own.
And she herself licks her lips, and shakes off the feathers. The wolf understood that the fox had deceived him again, rushed at her, but where to keep up with her, the dogs patted him well. Since then, wolves have not been friends with foxes. Finke Kirill

Snow friend

One day I was walking down the street, and suddenly someone said to me: "Hello!" I saw a snowman who, it turns out, was alive.
We met him. He told me that the guys from the next house made it and he really wants to know what we do in the winter.
I gladly told the snowman everything and invited him to take part in the winter fun.
First we took a sled and rolled down the mountain. Seeing the river, I put on my skates and rolled on the ice. Then we started playing snowballs. It turns out that a snowman can sculpt them very quickly. We had a lot of fun!
Evening came, we said goodbye to each other. I made an appointment to meet with him tomorrow. The snowman asked me to tell you about the summer, because he had never seen him.

Zinovieva Polina

Snow friend

Once I went out for a walk in the yard. And suddenly someone said to me:
- Hey!
It was a snowman. It looked like this: nose - carrot, eyes - coals, hands - twigs, and on the head - a bucket. He stood and smiled at me.
We got into a conversation, and he told me that he was very afraid of the sun.
We had a lot of fun together! how good it is to have a snowman friend, only a pity that he will melt in the spring.
But we will not think about it, we will meet with him every night and have fun.

Lyamov Maxim

Snow friend

I was walking in the street. Suddenly from behind someone said: "Hello!" I turned around and saw a snowman.
The snowman was big and beautiful. Instead of a nose, he had a carrot, instead of eyes - coals, pens - twigs, and an aluminum bucket flaunted on his head.
The snowman offered to play snowballs. I didn’t refuse. One snowball flew into his carrot, and it flew to the side. We went to look for carrots, but we didn’t find it. Then we went to my mother, she gave us potatoes. We attached it instead of a carrot.
So the fun adventure ended!

Kuzminykh Alexandra

Snow friend

It was boring at home. I had just done my homework and was sitting by the window. It was already evening. When suddenly I noticed a snowman on the street! I immediately got dressed and rushed into the street. There was no one there except me and the snowman.
He was all white, not a bucket on his head, like ordinary snowmen, but an old straw hat, instead of eyes - coals, and his mouth was made of tangerine peel. It seemed that he was about to wink with his coals-eyes.
Then he actually winked at me and smiled. Then he took off his hat, bowed and said:
- Hey! I am Snowball. Came here from the country of Snowland. She's far from here on a cloud. I fell from there in the form of a snowflake, and here I turned into a snowman. I was a farmer there. He fed the snow cows and grazed the snow sheep. Will you be friends with me?
His voice was so soft, as if crunching like snow.
- Certainly! - I answered.
- Ouch! - exclaimed Snowball. - I must go home.
And it seemed to crumble into beautiful snowflakes, and they rose high into the sky. Probably to that cloud.
Whenever winter comes, I remember a snowman named Snowball.

Vilisova Angelina

Bouquet of wild flowers

Once upon a time there was a husband and wife. They lived together for 50 years. And the husband wanted to give his wife some gift. But they lived poorly and had no money. The old man decided to exchange his only goat for a gift.
He went to the market and saw a beautiful shawl with red roses. I exchanged the goat for a shawl.
She goes on and thinks: "Why does my old woman need such a shawl? She doesn't go anywhere anymore, but sits at home almost always." And I decided to buy a hair comb. I exchanged a shawl for a scallop.
She goes on and thinks: "Why does the old woman need a comb? Her hair has become sparse."
He goes on and sees: a shepherd boy with wildflowers is standing. I exchanged a scallop for a bouquet of wildflowers. I came home, and his wife is nice to him! For her, a bouquet of flowers turned out to be the most expensive gift.

Lyamov Maxim

Old man and old woman
(based on KD Ushinsky's fairy tale "Mena")

Once upon a time there was a stavrik and an old woman. They weren't rich. Once an old man went to the forest for firewood. He goes home, and the master goes to meet him. And the master needed firewood. He drives up and asks:
- Hello, old man. Can I get some firewood from you?
The old man replies:
- Take it.
The master took the wood and says:
- What can the old man give you in return?
The old man replies:
- Give me clothes and food.
The master gave the old man clothes and food and left.
The old man came to the house and shouted to the old woman:
- Look what I brought!
The old woman came out onto the porch, saw the old man with clothes and food, asks:
- Where did you get so much stuff?
- I exchanged it for firewood at the master, - the old man replies. - And I will chop wood yet.
"You are my golden old man," said the old woman.
And they began to live well and make good!

Karpenko Victoria

Good old man

Once upon a time there was an old man with an old woman. It was very cold one day. The old men ran out of firewood. The old man went into the forest for brushwood.
He sees that the wolf is chasing a hare. The old man took a stick and threw it at the wolf. The wolf ran away.
Goes on. He sees that the bear has pressed its paw with a tree. The old man lifted the tree and freed the bear.
You never know, how much has passed the old man, sees - the fox got into the trap. The old man freed the fox.
The old man thinks, where is he to look for brushwood, the blizzard has covered all the roads. You can't even see the road home. And the chanterelle asks: "What are you, old man, are you upset about? Let me take you home."
We came home, and the old woman grumbled: "How will we heat the stove?"
And then there was a knock on the door. And there the hare and the bear brought a whole bunch of brushwood. And they say to the old man: "Thank you, old man. He saved us from trouble!"

Savin Kirill

The tailor and Vasilisa

Once I learned about the tailor Vasilisa. She says to him: "The Serpent-Gorynych lives in my forest. Defeat him - I will be your wife."
The tailor went to the forest. Seeing the Snake, he began to run around him. The tailor was very agile. Here all three necks of the Serpent were tied in a knot. The tailor says to him: "I will help you, and you will guard the forest of Vasilisa" The Serpent-Gorynych agreed. And the tailor married Vasilisa. Since then, it has become quiet and calm in that kingdom.

Finke Kirill

Wonderful Belt
(continuation of the Brothers Grimm fairy tale "The Brave Tailor")

After Hans returned, people learned how he defeated the giants. Everyone noticed his belt, which gave him courage. People began to ask the tailor to sew them belts with inscriptions that would fit only them.
A scientist came to Hans. The tailor made him a belt with the inscription: "I know the answer to any question." He embroidered a rich man in gold: "There is never a lot of gold." To the doctor - "I will help if it hurts." This is how the tailor Hans became known throughout the city.

Dmitry Buchkin

Hans and the robbers
(continuation of the Brothers Grimm fairy tale "The Brave Tailor")

The tailor Hans came up with a trick on how to deceive the robbers and stay safe himself. He drew a fake treasure map and threw it to the robbers. And since the robbers were greedy, they immediately wanted to find this treasure. They went in search of the treasure and disappeared from this kingdom forever. And the tailor came out the winner again!

Nikolaeva Alexandra

Sasha, Nafanya and Baba Yaga

Grandfather and grandmother lived not in the distant kingdom, but in an ordinary state. And they had a granddaughter Sasha. And they also had a cat named Nafanya or simply Fanya. He was affectionate, fluffy and very trusting. Everyone loved the cat. He helped his grandfather read newspapers. Grandmother - knit socks and mittens. And in the evenings he purred and lulled Sasha's songs so that she could have sweet dreams. And when Sasha came from school, he always met her.
And then one day Fanya disappeared. The girl rushed to look for the cat. She called him, cried, but Fani was not there.
And she went wherever her eyes would look. She walked, walked, walked she walked and ... got lost. And all around the forest is dense, impenetrable, gloomy. Neither the beast will run, nor the bird will fly. Fearfully!
He looks, a small mouse runs through the forest, and a huge owl flies after him and wants to grab the animal. The mouse saw the girl and darted towards her. Sasha hid it in his pocket, the owl flew past. The girl let the mouse go. He squeaked something and ran on his way.
Suddenly he sees Sasha - a ray of the sun points to her path. The girl went along this path. Long or short, but she went out into the clearing. And on that glade there is a hut on chicken legs. Sasha was surprised: this only happens in fairy tales! She remembered the necessary sentence and said:
- Hut, hut, stand with your back to the forest, and in front of me!
The hut clucked, groaned, grumbled, creaked and ... turned. And in that hut, of course, Baba Yaga - a bone leg lived. She went out on the porch and said:
- Oh! Oh! I slept exactly three hundred years! I have never seen or heard a single living soul. Thank you girl for waking the old woman, otherwise it is not known how many years I still had to sleep. I would have slept through everything interesting. How did you get here, girl? And what is your name?
- Hello, Grandma Yaga. My name is Sasha. I'm looking for my cat, Nathania. He disappeared. Left home and never returned. Can you tell me where to look for it?
And Baba Yaga hadn’t met polite people for a long time, she was surprised and shed tears:
- You are a kind girl and polite. I'll try to help you. Only now I'm bored here in the hut. Live with me a little. Clean up the hut and make it fun. And there it will be seen, I will think of something.
Sasha began to live with Baba Yaga. I cleaned the hut: I washed the cobwebs, washed the floors, cleaned the windows, melted the stove, cooked dinner. The hut is all younger, has started to dance, clucks with joy. And Baba Yaga does not lag behind, dances so that she forgot about her bone leg. Yes, and sings a song:
- Ba-ba-ba-grandmother Yaga! You are a leg of bone!
Ba-ba-ba-grandmother Yaga! Look out, look out the window! ..
She danced, sat down on a bench and said:
- Eh, I don’t want to let you go, you see how we healed gloriously. You have fulfilled two of my wishes: you cleaned the hut, made me laugh. Fulfill the third wish for order, otherwise my sisters Grandma Yozhki will laugh at me if I let you go without three wishes. In the magic field, magic spikelets grow in me. For three hundred years, the seeds have not been removed from them. Go and collect all the grains. Yes, only so that not a single spikelet breaks. Otherwise, the grains will no longer ripen on the spikelets, I will not have flour, there will be nothing to bake pies from, and I will have to fry my guests in the oven for dinner again.
There is nothing to do, Sasha really wants to find her Fan sooner. She goes to the magic field and cries. Suddenly, out of nowhere, a mouse runs:
- Hello, Sasha! You helped me out of trouble, and now I will help you. Do not cry, we will collect the grains from the magic spikelets.
The mouse squeaked something, and many, many mice and mice came running to him from all sides. They got down to business. Before Sasha had time to look back, all the seeds were collected in sacks. The girl thanked the mouse family and ran joyfully to Baba Yaga.
Baba Yaga was very surprised that Sasha did everything so quickly, but there was nothing to do - it's time to fulfill the promise. And she began to tell:
- Your cat has fallen into the hands of villainous toy-makers. They catch gullible cats and cats, bewitch them and turn them into toys. And then children play them with these toys. But I'll help you. Here's a tangle-leash, an invisibility hat and a magic powder that helps to revive toys, and can enchant villains. Go! Happy road to you!
- Thank you, grandma! - Sasha shouted and rushed after the ball.
Soon he led her tangle-leash to a high stone castle of black stones. The girl put on the invisibility cap and quietly entered the gate. How many toy cats, cats and kittens were there! Apparently invisible! Red, white, black, gray, motley!
Suddenly Sasha sees - villains-toy-makers are walking and carrying a sack of cats to enchant the animals and turn them into figurines. The girl ran up to the villains and threw magic powder at them. The villains froze, froze and turned into marble columns.
And Sasha began to sprinkle toy animals with this powder. What started here! All the cats, kitties and kittens ran up to the girl and began to purr songs to her and fan their tails ... And then Nafanya ran up!
The girl hugged him and ... woke up. And next to her, Fanya was sitting on a pillow and purring a lullaby in her ear ...
This article is also available in the following languages: Thai

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    Thank you so much for the very useful information in the article. Everything is stated very clearly. Feels like a lot of work has been done on analyzing the eBay store

    • Thank you and other regular readers of my blog. Without you, I would not have been motivated enough to devote a lot of time to running this site. My brains are arranged like this: I like to dig deep, organize scattered data, try what no one has done before, or did not look from this angle. It is a pity that only our compatriots, because of the crisis in Russia, are by no means up to shopping on eBay. They buy on Aliexpress from China, as goods there are several times cheaper (often at the expense of quality). But online auctions eBay, Amazon, ETSY will easily give the Chinese a head start on the range of branded items, vintage items, handicrafts and various ethnic goods.

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        It is your personal attitude and analysis of the topic that is valuable in your articles. Don't leave this blog, I often look here. There should be many of us. Email me I recently received an offer to teach me how to trade on Amazon and eBay. And I remembered your detailed articles about these bargaining. area I reread it all over again and concluded that the courses are a scam. I haven't bought anything on eBay myself. I am not from Russia, but from Kazakhstan (Almaty). But we, too, do not need extra spending yet. I wish you the best of luck and take care of yourself in the Asian region.

  • It's also nice that eBay's attempts to russify the interface for users from Russia and the CIS countries have begun to bear fruit. After all, the overwhelming majority of citizens of the countries of the former USSR are not strong in knowledge of foreign languages. No more than 5% of the population know English. There are more among young people. Therefore, at least the interface in Russian is a great help for online shopping on this marketplace. Ebey did not follow the path of his Chinese counterpart Aliexpress, where a machine (very clumsy and incomprehensible, sometimes causing laughter) translation of the description of goods is performed. I hope that at a more advanced stage in the development of artificial intelligence, high-quality machine translation from any language to any in a matter of seconds will become a reality. So far we have this (a profile of one of the sellers on ebay with a Russian interface, but an English-language description):