Fairy tale by Valentin Berestov "How to find a path" for students in grade 2 according to the reading program.

Valentin Berestov. How to find a track

Squirrel, Squirrel, tell me

Squirrel, Squirrel, show me

How to find the path To the grandfather's lodge?

Bunny, Bunny, tell me

Bunny, Bunny, show me

How to find a track

To the grandfather's lodge?

To the gatehouse? - asked the Hare. - There is nothing easier. At first it will smell like mushrooms. So? Then - hare cabbage. So? Then it will smell like a fox hole. So? Skip this smell to the right or left. So? When he is behind, sniff like this and you will smell the smoke. Jump straight to it without turning anywhere. This grandfather-forester puts a samovar.

Thank you, Bunny, the guys say. - It's a pity that our noses are not as sensitive as yours. Will have to ask someone else.

They see a snail crawling.

Hey snail, tell me

Hey snail, show me

How to find a track

To the grandfather's lodge?

Tell for a long time, - Snail sighed. Lu-u-better I'll take you there-u-u. Follow me.

Bee, Bee, tell me

Bee, Bee, show me

How to find a track

To the grandfather's lodge?

Well, well, - says the bee. - I'll show you... Look where I'm flying. Follow along. See my sisters. Where they are, there you are. We bring honey to grandfather's apiary. Well, goodbye! I'm in a terribly hurry. Well...

The children went to visit their grandfather, a forester. Went and got lost. They look, Belka is jumping over them. Tree to tree, tree to tree. Guys - to her:
- Squirrel, Squirrel, tell me,
Squirrel, Squirrel, show me
How to find a track
To the grandfather's lodge.

Very simple, Belka answers. - Jump from this Christmas tree to that one, from that one to a crooked birch. From the curve of the birch, a large, large oak tree is visible. The roof is visible from the top of the oak tree. This is the gatehouse ... Well, what about you? Jump!
Thanks, Belka! - say the guys. “But we can’t jump up trees. We'd better ask someone else.
Jumping Hare. The children sang their song to him:
- Bunny, Bunny, tell me.
Bunny, Bunny, show me
How to find a track
To the grandfather's lodge.

To the gatehouse? - asked the Hare. - There is nothing easier. At first it will smell like mushrooms. So? Then - hare cabbage. So? Then it will smell like a fox hole. So? Skip this smell to the right or left. So? When he is behind, sniff like this and you will smell the smoke. Jump straight to it without turning anywhere. This grandfather-forester puts a samovar.
- Thanks honey! - say the guys. - It's a pity that our noses are not as sensitive as yours. You'll have to ask someone else.

They see a snail crawling.
- Hey, Snail, tell me,
Hey snail, show me
How to find a track
To the grandfather's lodge.

Tell for a long time, - Snail sighed. - Lu-u-better I'll take you there-u-u. Follow me.
- Thank you, Snail! - say the guys. We don't have time to crawl. We'd better ask someone else.

A bee sits on a flower. Guys - to her:
- Bee, Bee, tell me,
Bee, Bee, show me
How to find a track
To the grandfather's lodge.
- Well, well, - says the Bee. - I'll show you... Look where I'm flying. Follow along. See my sisters. Where they are, there you are. We bring honey to grandfather's apiary. Well, goodbye! I'm in a terribly hurry. Well...
And flew away. The kids didn't even have time to thank her.

They went to where the bees flew and quickly found a lodge. That was joy! And then grandfather treated them to tea with honey.

The story Berestov V. Illustrations.

The children went to visit their grandfather, a forester. Went and got lost. They look, Belka is jumping over them. From tree to tree. From tree to tree. Guys - to her:

Squirrel, Squirrel, tell me

Squirrel, Squirrel, show me

How to find a track

To the grandfather's lodge?

Very simple, Belka answers. - Jump from this Christmas tree to that one, from that one to a crooked birch. From the curve of the birch, a large, large oak tree is visible. The roof is visible from the top of the oak tree. This is the guardhouse. Well, what are you? Jump!

Thanks Belka! - say the guys. “But we can’t jump up trees. We'd better ask someone else.

Jumping Hare. The children sang their song to him:

Bunny, Bunny, tell me

Bunny, Bunny, show me

How to find a track

To the grandfather's lodge?

To the gatehouse? - asked the Hare. - There is nothing easier. At first it will smell like mushrooms. So? Then - hare cabbage. So? Then it will smell like a fox hole. So?
Skip this smell to the right or left. So? When he is behind, sniff like this and you will smell the smoke. Jump straight to it without turning anywhere. This grandfather-forester puts a samovar.

Thank you, Bunny, the guys say. - It's a pity that our noses are not as sensitive as yours. You'll have to ask someone else.

They see a snail crawling.

Hey snail, tell me

Hey snail, show me

How to find a track

To the grandfather's lodge?

Tell for a long time, - Snail sighed. - Lu-u-better I'll take you there-u-u. Follow me.

Thank you Snail! - say the guys. We don't have time to crawl. We'd better ask someone else.

A bee sits on a flower. Guys to her:

Bee, Bee, tell me

Bee, Bee, show me

How to find a track

To the grandfather's lodge?

Well, well, - says the bee. - I'll show you... Look where I'm flying. Follow along.

See my sisters. Where they are, there you are. We bring honey to grandfather's apiary. Well, goodbye! I'm in a terribly hurry. Well...

And flew away. The kids didn't even have time to thank her. They went to where the bees flew and quickly found a lodge. That was joy! And then grandfather treated them to tea with honey.

Fairy tale reviews

Analysis of the work of Valentin Berestov "How to find a path"

Tale of Valentin Dmitrievich Berestov "How to find a path" / Appendix 5 / from the series "My first books" for preschool age. A short story for little kids. It talks about how you can get lost and not be afraid. This is a story about kindness, trust and reasonableness. It teaches observation and attentiveness to the world around. The plot is simple and dynamic. The action takes place in the forest, the guys are looking for a way and turn to the inhabitants of the forest for help. The heroes are intelligent, educated, friendly, and thank every inhabitant of the forest, reason. The inhabitants of the forest are very responsive, in their own way, who knows how, they want to help them. It does not matter that the heroes cannot take all the advice. But how much they and with them readers will learn "about the squirrel, hare, bee and even about the snail." For each inhabitant of the forest, the author uses his own conversational feature, which helps children to imagine the characters most vividly.

The use of the works of modern children's writers in educational work in preschool educational institutions

The interest in the book in the child appears early. At first, he is interested in turning pages, listening to an adult reading, looking at illustrations. With the advent of interest in the picture, interest in the text begins to arise. As studies show, with appropriate work, already in the third year of a child’s life, one can arouse his interest in the fate of the hero of the story, make the baby follow the course of the event and experience new feelings for him.

Today, children's reading is increasingly becoming an extremely important phenomenon that determines the level of culture of the future society. One of the guidelines for the child should be an interest in the book.

Reading is a complex process not only of putting letters into syllables, but also an act that requires intense intellectual work (to which a child should be accustomed), in contrast to computer games and cartoons, which have become an alternative to reading. Reading books gives scope for fantasies and, while reading, the child draws some parallels with significant experiences of the characters during the plot of the work. Graham Greene wrote: “It is only in childhood that perhaps a book really affects our lives. Further, we admire her, enjoy her, perhaps, thanks to her, change some of our views, but mainly we find in the book only confirmation of what is already in us. And it is precisely this, “what is already in us”, that in preschool childhood is given to us by parents and educators in the preschool educational institution.

Today, teachers and parents are faced with the choice of using classical works for reading or turning to modern ones. There are recognized masters of modern children's literature: Eduard Uspensky, Korney Chukovsky, Valentin Berestov, Boris Zakhoder, Sergei Mikhalkov, Grigory Oster. It is difficult to imagine today's child's reading circle without their works. Their works are used in preschool and school education. According to their poems, children's matinees, quizzes, and holidays are prepared. The distinctness and intelligibility of words, comic hyperbole are easily perceived by the child. Kids, together with modern authors, discover and master the changing world, fantasize, play.

1. Acquaintance with the writer, with a book exhibition.

Valentin Dmitrievich Berestov is a well-known children's poet and writer, translator. The future poet learned to read at the age of 4. He has been writing poetry since childhood.

Berestov wrote many wonderful works for children during his life. Here are some of them in our exhibition.

Read the title of the books on the screen.

(… "How to find a track.")

Slides 7-13.

This is exactly what we will do now - we will go to the forest to look for a path.

But first, let's do breathing exercises.

2. Breathing exercises.

1st exercise "Blow out the candle."

Take a deep breath and exhale all the air at once. Blow out one large candle.

Take a deep breath and exhale the air in three portions, blowing out each candle.

3. Logic exercises.

And now let's do another interesting task.

slide 14.


We look at the vertical line with our eyes and try to read the words.

1) about yourself, with your eyes;

2) to himself, moving his lips;

3) in a whisper;

4) out loud, in chorus.

What unites these words?

(All words are names of objects.)

What is the word "extra"?

(gatehouse, answers the question What? inanimate.)

What's happened gatehouse?

And now let's read how the interpretation of this word is given in the dictionary of Sergei Ivanovich Ozhegov.

(The watchman's quarters, the watchman's quarters.)

So, we are ready to go on a journey.

4. Work on the textbook.

To do this, let's open an anthology on literary reading and, by the content, determine on which page the work of V. Berestov "How to find a track" is located.

The children of our class prepared an expressive reading of the work.

A) Expressive reading of the work.

B) Identification of primary perception.

What impressed you the most?

Name the main characters of the story.

(Guys, Squirrel, Hare, Snail, Bee)

C) Analysis of the work.

Do all animals know where the forester's lodge is?

(Everyone knows very well how to find the path.)

Are they all ready to help the boys get to her? (Yes.)

Validate your answer.

Work in groups according to the textbook.

The 1st group will find and read what Belka answers to the guys' request to tell them how to find the path to the grandfather's lodge.

(Very simple.)

2nd group - what the Hare says.

(There is nothing easier.)

3rd group - what the Snail offers.

(... "I'll take you there-oo-oo-oo")

4th group - what the Bee says.

("W-w-w-says the Bee. - I'll show you.")

As soon as the group is ready to respond, raises a red signal.


And the Squirrel, and the Hare, and the Snail, and the Bee are talking about the same place? (Yes.)

So, we found out that all the animals are ready to help the guys and talk about the same place.

And what do they offer the guys to do in order to find a path to the grandfather's lodge?

5. Work in groups on cards.

Take the card with the red circle. Read the words. For each word from the first column, select the word from the second column and connect them with arrows.

Exercise.Show with arrows what the animals offer to do in order to find the path to the grandfather's lodge.

squirrel sniff

hare jump

snail go

bee crawl


One group reads, the rest raise a red signal if they connected the words in the same way, and if they completed the task in a different way, blue.

Do they advise to go different ways or not?

(Their advice differs.)

(From the point of view of the Squirrel, it is most convenient to move around by jumping on the branches. From the point of view of the Hare, it is very convenient to navigate by smell. The snail thinks that it will be the fastest if it crawls to the gatehouse. And the Bee believes that if the children follow the flight of the bees, they will easily find the gatehouse.)

Those. for each of them his way is familiar and convenient.

Whose advice would each of you take?

6. Individual work on cards.

Take the card with the blue circle and tick off whose advice you would take.

Exercise.Whose advice would you take to find your way to the forester's lodge? Check ˅ .

Snails □


Whose advice did the children take?

(Children took the advice of the Bee.)

(They gave advice from a human point of view - to follow them.)

Whose animal advice doesn't suit heroes?

(The advice of the Hare, Squirrel, Snail does not suit the heroes.)

(The guys don't know how to move like Squirrel and Snail. They don't have such a sensitive nose as the Hare.)

So, what other ways can you look at the world in a new way?

With the help of movements and sense organs.)

slide 15.

7. Physical education to the music.

slide 16.

Why couldn't the children find their grandfather's lodge on their own?

(We got lost, the path disappeared.)

Can animals be called helpers of heroes?

They all wanted to help, but each from their own point of view. Another thing is that this help may not always be useful to the guys. Everyone can choose his own way of knowing the world, which is the most acceptable for him. Another's opinion must be respected.

8. Conversation about the genre.

- What genre of literature do we see today?

How did you know it was a fairy tale?

(The animals are talking.)

Is everything fabulous here? (No. Children walking. Animal habits.)

What are the names of such fairy tales in which there is not only personification, but also truth?

(A fairy tale is a fairy tale.)

And what kind of elements does the fairy tale combine?

(A fairy tale is a chain. Children meet different animals.)

Genre: literary fairy tale

The main characters of the fairy tale "How to find my way" and their characteristics

  1. Guys. Friendly, funny, smart.
  2. Different animals - squirrel, hare, snail, bees. Responsive.
Plan for retelling the tale "How to find my way"
  1. Lost!
  2. squirrel advice
  3. hare advice
  4. snail advice
  5. bee advice
  6. Found!
The shortest content of the fairy tale "How to find my way" for reader's diary in 6 sentences
  1. The guys went to the grandfather in the forest and got lost.
  2. They asked the squirrel for directions, and she advised jumping through the trees.
  3. They asked the hare for directions, and he advised to follow the smell.
  4. They asked the snail for directions, and she volunteered to lead.
  5. They asked the bee for directions, and she offered to follow it.
  6. The guys went for the bee and went to the hut.
The main idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe fairy tale "How to find my way"
In the forest, each animal is oriented in its own way.

What does the fairy tale "How to find the way" teach
The tale teaches us to ask for directions, to seek help, not to wander aimlessly. Teaches the ability to navigate the terrain. It teaches to be responsive and help those who are lost.

Review of the fairy tale "How to find my way"
I liked this tale and especially the advice that the animals gave to the children. The squirrel offered to jump, sniff the hare, crawl the snail. It is clear that the guys were not satisfied with all this. Well, at least they got a bee.

Proverbs to the fairy tale "How to find my way"
Language will bring to Kyiv.
For the demand on the cheek is not slapped.
There are many advisers, but no helpers.
Any help is good in time.
It stands on the road, but it asks for directions.

Read summary, brief retelling fairy tales "How to find the way"
Somehow the guys went to the forest to the grandfather-forester and got lost. Can't find the path. Suddenly they see a squirrel jumping along the branches. The guys to her, ask the squirrel to show the path to the forester.
The squirrel laughed, replies that there is nothing easier, you have to jump from a pine to a birch, from a birch to an oak, and there the roof of the forester's hut will appear.
The guys were saddened that they didn’t know how to jump on trees, and decided to ask the bunny for a path.
The hare also thought that it was very simple, you just had to run to the smell of mushrooms, then to the smell of rabbit cabbage, then leave the smell of a fox hole on the right, and then run to the smell of smoke from grandfather's samovar.
But the guys' noses were not so sensitive and they decided to ask the snail for directions.
The snail said that it would take a long time to tell and offered to simply show the way. But the guys realized that, going after the snail, they would come to their grandfather only by the new year, and they refused. They began to ask the bee for directions, and she told the guys to follow her or her sisters, because they carry honey to the forester's apiary.
The guys went for the bee and went out to the grandfather's house.


The children went to visit their grandfather, a forester. Went and got lost. They look, Belka is jumping over them. From tree to tree. From tree to tree. Guys - to her:

- Squirrel, Squirrel, tell me,
Squirrel, Squirrel, show me
How to find a track
To the grandfather's lodge?

“Very simple,” Belka replies. - Jump from this Christmas tree to that one, from that one to a crooked birch. From the curve of the birch, a large, large oak tree is visible. The roof is visible from the top of the oak tree. This is the guardhouse. Well, what are you? Jump!

Thanks, Belka! the guys say. “But we don’t know how to jump up trees. We'd better ask someone else.
Jumping Hare. The children sang their song to him:

- Bunny, Bunny, tell me,
Bunny, Bunny, show me
How to find a track
To the grandfather's lodge?

- To the gatehouse? - asked the Hare. - There is nothing easier. At first it will smell like mushrooms. So? Then - hare cabbage. So? Then it will smell like a fox hole. So?

Skip this smell to the right or left. So? When he is behind, sniff like this and you will smell the smoke. Jump straight to it without turning anywhere. This grandfather-forester puts a samovar.

“Thank you, Bunny,” the guys say. "It's a pity that our noses aren't as sensitive as yours." You'll have to ask someone else.
They see a snail crawling.

- Hey, Snail, tell me,
Hey snail, show me
How to find a track
To the grandfather's lodge?

“To tell for a long time,” sighed the Snail. - Lou-u-better I'll take you there-u-u. Follow me.

- Thank you, Snail! the guys say. We don't have time to crawl. We'd better ask someone else.

A bee sits on a flower. Guys to her:

- Bee, Bee, tell me,
Bee, Bee, show me
How to find a track
To the grandfather's lodge?

“W-w-w,” says the bee. - I'll show you ... Look where I'm flying. Follow along.
See my sisters. Where they are, there you are. We bring honey to grandfather's apiary. Well, goodbye! I'm in a terribly hurry. Well...

And flew away. The kids didn't even have time to thank her. They went to where the bees flew and quickly found a lodge. That was joy! And then grandfather treated them to tea with honey.


... There was a time when birds could not sing. And suddenly they learned that in one distant country there lives an old, wise man who teaches music. Then the birds sent the Stork and the Nightingale to him to check whether this was so.

The stork was in a hurry. He was eager to become the world's first musician.
He was in such a hurry that he ran to the sage and did not even knock on the door, did not greet the old man, and with all his might shouted directly into his ear:

- Hey, old man! Come on, teach me music!

But the sage decided to teach him politeness first. He led Stork outside the threshold, knocked on the door and said:

- You have to do it like this.

- All clear! - Aist was delighted. - Is this music? - and flew away to quickly surprise the world with his art.

The nightingale came later with its little wings. He timidly knocked on the door, said hello, apologized for the trouble and said that he really wanted to study music.

The sage liked the friendly bird. And he taught the nightingale everything he knew himself.

Since then, the modest Nightingale has become the best singer in the world.

And the eccentric Stork can only knock with his beak. Moreover, he boasts and teaches other birds:

- Hey, do you hear? You have to do it like this, like this! This is real music! If you don't believe me, ask the old sage.

Bouncer Serpent

Once Vitya made a Serpent. The day was overcast, and the boy drew the sun on the Serpent.

Vitya let go of the thread. The serpent began to rise higher and higher, shaking its long tail and singing a song:

- I'm flying
And ray
I candle
And warm!

- Who are you? the birds asked.

- Don't you see? replied the Serpent. - I am the sun!

- Not true! Not true! the birds screamed. - The sun behind the clouds.

- Behind what kind of clouds? The snake got angry. The sun is me! There was no other sun, no, there won't be and there is no need! Clear?

- Not true! Not true! - the birds were alarmed.

- What-o-o? Shit, short tails! roared the Serpent, wagging its long tail angrily.

The birds scattered in fear. But then the sun came out.

- Peck the braggart! Pluck out the tail of the deceiver! - the birds shouted and attacked the Serpent.

Vitya began to quickly wind the thread, and the Serpent fell into the grass.

– What did you do there? the boy asked.

- And what? - the Serpent was offended. - Can't you joke?

“Joke jokes,” said Vitya, “but why lie and boast? You must mend.

- Here's another new one! the Serpent grumbled. - I don't think so! Let the birds fix themselves!

- Ah well! Vitya was outraged. - OK then! Then I'll fix you myself.

Now you won’t deceive or scare anyone, even if you burst with anger!

The boy took a brush and paints and turned the painted sun into a funny face.

The serpent again flew into the sky, singing a song:

- I'm flying,
I'm soaring
What do I want,
That's what I'm doing!

He teased, and lied, and boasted. But now everyone saw his funny face and thought he was joking. And he didn't mean to be joking.

- I am the sun! Do you hear? I am the sun! shouted the Serpent.

– Ha-ha-ha! the birds laughed. - Oh, and made me laugh! Oh, and tired! With you, brother, you will not get bored!

“Shush, short-tailed ones!” grumbled the Serpent, angrily wagging his long tail.

But the birds laughed even louder, circled around the Serpent and pulled his tail.


One day Vitya took paper and a pencil and drew a little man: the head is a circle, the eyes are dots, the nose is a comma, the mouth is a squiggle, the belly is a cucumber, arms and legs are like matches. And suddenly-

- Hello! the little man squeaked. - My name is Fitulka. How about you?

“And I’m Vitya,” the surprised boy answered.

"Sorry, I didn't hear you," said the little man. - If it does not complicate you, please draw me ears.

“Of course it won’t! Vitya shouted and quickly drew the little man's ears.

- I am extremely grateful to you! Fitulka rejoiced. - Hearing is excellent. Only one ear you placed for me just in the middle of the cheek. However, if that's the case, I don't mind.

“No, don’t,” Victor said. - Come on, Eraser, help!

Eraser rubbed Fitulka's ear, and it was gone. And Vitya drew a new one. Wherever needed.

“Do you want me to cut your nose?” Eraser suggested.

“Thank you for your attention,” replied the polite Fitulka. “But you better rub my other cheek.” Paper, you see, is as white as snow, and, with your permission, I am cold.

- How is it - with our permission? - Vitya was surprised and drew Fitulka a warm hat with earflaps, a fur coat, felt boots, a beard so that his cheeks would not freeze.

- Well, how? the boy asked. - Warmed up?

Thanks, granddaughter! Fitulka said in a bass voice. - Respect the old man. Now I'm getting through the winter.

- Wait a minute! Vitya said. - It's summer now.

With a blue pencil he drew the sky, green - grass and trees, and yellow - a bright, bright sun.

- Well, how? Fine? he asked Fitulka.

“That would be good,” sighed the bearded Fitulka. - However, I evaporated, as in a bathhouse, if only to throw off my fur coat.

- Sorry, grandpa! Whispered Vitya. - Come on, Eraser, help!

The eraser rubbed his hat - there was no hat, he rubbed his fur coat and felt boots - there was no fur coat, no boots.

Vitya corrected the drawing, drew panties on Fitulka, and could not believe his eyes.

- In shorts, but with such a long beard! That doesn't happen. Come on, Eraser, help!

The eraser instantly shaved off Fitulka's beard, and the little man looked younger.

- Hey, Vitka, let's play football! Fitulka shouted. - Draw me a ball!

Vitya drew Fitulka a wonderful soccer ball.

- Now let's play! Fitulka suggested.

How can I play with you? Vitya thought. - You are painted, the ball is also painted. You know? Until then, practice alone. And I'll go to the yard, I'll play with the guys. Do not be bored!

And he left ... Fitulka became so unbearably bored that even Eraser felt sorry for him:

- Okay, let me play with you.

- Let's! Fitulka rejoiced. - Hold the ball! Pass!

The eraser hit the ball. Once! Half of the ball was missing - it was erased! Again! There is absolutely nothing left!

- Give me the ball! Fitulka whimpered. - Give it back!

- How can I give it back? Eraser was surprised. - He is no more. You can't give what isn't there.

“All right, all right,” Fitulka grumbled. - I'll tell Vita everything.

“But you can’t tell,” Eraser got angry. "Because I'll wipe your mouth out." I can't stand it when they whine and snitch!

- Not na-a-a ...

That's all that Fitulka managed to shout. He had a mouth - it became an empty place. Now he could only sniffle and sob. Two huge tears rolled out of his eyes.

- Oh, you crybaby! Oh you sneak! Eraser was angry. “If I want to, I’ll grind you all to powder.” Only paper is a pity.

Vitya is back.

– What happened here? Where is the ball? Hey, Fitulka, where did you put the ball? Why are you silent? You don't have a mouth, do you?

The boy looked at Vitulka and saw that he really had an empty place instead of a mouth.

“Hey, Eraser, what happened here without me?” I ask you in Russian, answer!

“Really in Russian,” thought Eraser. “If he had asked me in German, I probably wouldn’t have understood him.”

“These are all your tricks, Eraser,” Vitya guessed. How many times have I asked you not to touch the drawing! Get into the pencil case!

- Come on, Eraser, help! Fitulka needs to wipe her tears!

Eraser jumped out of the pencil case and gasped: there was a whole football team next to Fitulka. A little lower than the sun was flying a brand new ball.

Wonderful drawing! - Eraser admired and cheerfully got down to business.


The forest wakes up, rustles, murmurs, rustles:

- Good morning! Good morning! Good morning!

Wolf cubs wake up in their hole:

- Good morning, mommy! Good morning daddy!

The parents frown. They roamed the forest all night, did not kill anyone and are very angry.

“Mornings are not always good,” the mother wolf grumbles, “that’s why decent wolves go to bed in the morning.” “Puppies!” - the father-wolf is angry. "I'd rather you bite me than say those words." "Good Morning!" Is this how decent wolves should meet each other?

- How is it, daddy? We don't know, the wolf cubs whine. Daddy wolf thought, thought and barked:

- That's how! Bad morning, kids!

- Bad morning, daddy! Bad morning, mommy! - happily pick up the cubs.

And so they squeal merrily, shouting these terrible words that parents cannot stand:

- Good morning, kids! Good morning!


We were driving from the desert to the city of Kunya-Urgench. There were sands all around. Suddenly I saw ahead of me something like a lighthouse, or a factory chimney.

- What is this? I asked the Turkmen driver.

“An old tower in Kunya-Urgench,” the driver answered.

I, of course, rejoiced. This means that soon we will get out of the hot sands, find ourselves in the shade of trees, hear how the water murmurs in ditches.

It wasn't there! We drove and drove, but the tower not only did not approach, but, on the contrary, seemed to move further and further into the sands. She's very tall.

And the driver told me this story.

IN distant times Kunya-Urgench was the capital of Khorezm - a rich, flourishing country. From all sides Khorezm was surrounded by sands. From the sands, nomads flew into the country, plundered it, and there was no way to keep track of when and from where they would appear.

And then one master suggested to the Khorezm king to build a high tower. So high that it could be seen in all directions. Then no enemy will sneak in unnoticed.
The king gathered his wise men and asked their advice. The wise men thought and decided thus:

“If you can see from the tower in all directions, then the tower itself will also be visible from everywhere. And it will be easier for the enemies to reach us. The tower will show them the way. Therefore, it is quite clear that the master is a traitor. He needs to cut off his head. And the construction of the tower is prohibited.

The king did not listen to the wise men. He ordered the tower to be built.

And then an unexpected thing happened: the tower had not yet been completed, and the enemy raids had stopped. What's the matter?

It turns out that the wise men judged correctly: the tower was visible from everywhere. And the enemies, seeing her, thought that it was very close to Khorezm. They abandoned slow camels in the sands, which carried water and food, on fast horses they rushed to the beckoning tower, and every one of them perished in the desert from thirst and hunger.

Finally, one khan, the leader of the nomads, having destroyed his best army, unraveled the secret of the Khorezmians. He decided to take revenge.

Without lighting the fires at night, hiding during the day in the hollows between the sandy ridges, the khan imperceptibly led his horde to the very foot of the tower.

The old master was still working on its top, laying brick after brick.

“Get down, dog!” the angry khan shouted to him. “I will cut off your empty head!”

“My head is not empty, it is full of knowledge,” the master replied calmly. “Send me up here more paper, glue, and reeds. I will make feathers out of reeds, glue a long scroll out of paper, and write down everything I know on it. Then my head will indeed become empty, and you will not lose anything by cutting it off: you will still have my knowledge.

Khan agreed. The master lowered a rope from the top of the tower, tied a bag with paper, glue and cane to it. The old master glued large wings out of paper and reeds and flew away.

Then the khan said to his chronicler:

“Write down everything that happened in history so that our grandchildren know what a vile deceit, what a low lie, what vile treachery these Khorezmians are capable of.

And the chronicler replied:

“Of course the master deceived you. He did not make a scroll, but wings and flew on them. But this is no longer a simple deception, but a high mind. And our grandchildren will admire the man who learned to fly.

Don't write anything down in history! Khan got angry. “Let no one know how we were fooled.

Centuries have passed. People have forgotten the name of the formidable khan, the name of the king and his cowardly wise men. But every boy in Kunya-Urgench knows who the master was and what he did, as if it happened quite recently.

His name was Usta Kush, which means Master Bird.


This bright yellow flower on a light shaggy stalk appears in spring along with snowdrops. He is in such a hurry that he does not have time to release the leaves. He doesn't even know what they are.

And it blooms where the earth is disturbed, wounded, naked. Blooms on slopes. It blooms on mounds covered with coal and slag. It blooms near the pits and in the pits themselves. Cheerfully turns yellow on piles of discarded earth.

- Mother-and-stepmother blossomed! Mother-and-stepmother blossomed! - people rejoice.

- Who do they call that? the flower is surprised. “Probably the land where I grow up. For me, she is a mother, but for other flowers, she is still a stepmother.
But now the time of flowers passes, and the time comes for large green leaves. From the inside, they are soft, light, velvety: rub on the cheek - and it becomes warm.

“This is the mother,” people say.

But outside the leaves are hard, slippery; put it on your cheek - you will feel cold.

“And this is the stepmother,” people explain. But coltsfoot leaves don't care what they're called. They have too many worries. Like strong green shields, they hasten to cover, obscure the earth, and with their underside, their warm, maternal side, they press against the earth and whisper to it:

We are with you, earth. You are green again.


What kind of strange procession moves through the meadows and gardens, not even looking at the haystack, at the beds with cabbage and turnips, at the cow with the calf?

These are huge silver willows, important, imperturbable, stood in pairs, joined hands, leaned towards each other so that it was more convenient to whisper, and, turning now to the right, then to the left, and even back, slowly, reluctantly wander to where the big bright Oka flows.
Come to them. Move the tall nettle apart with a stick. Just please don't touch the blackberries and currants. And if neither nettles nor even delicious berries hold you back, then you will see a small river Sknizhka under a heavy canopy of branches. Even during the day, she runs in the twilight, and her water does not seem transparent, but some kind of black-green.

Willows tremble over her with every leaf. So that the sun doesn’t burn her, so that the wind doesn’t wrinkle her (it’s so harmful for her to worry!), So that the cow doesn’t drink it, and the calf doesn’t stir it up to hide her from the evil eye. And since it is not known whose bad and whose good, then just in case it is hidden from any eye.

So to the very mouth (thank you, good willows!) The Book will see neither the sun, nor the sky, nor clouds, nor houses, nor a bather, nor a fisherman, nor a boat, nor a float, nor forests, nor fields, nor children, nor nets:

And the caring willows deliberately turn this way and that, so that the road is longer, so that the Book will not run to the Oka soon, so that it will not see the wide world for a long time.

“Ah, ah, she’s still just a child, it’s early, early for her ...” the willows whisper, intertwining more and more tightly above her, leaning lower and lower towards the black-green water and stroking her with their branches.

And the river runs and runs. You can't keep her even with affection.


The Sun has many friendly sons - rays. The smallest one is called Zaychik, because he never sits still, runs everywhere, climbs even where other rays cannot reach. Bunny loves to play with the guys very much: he allows himself to be caught in the mirror and jumps with pleasure wherever they send him.

Like many kids, Bunny did not like to go to bed. One evening, when the Sun was taking his children to rest, Bunny hid and decided to see what would happen next.
It got dark, and the Bunny was left all alone. He tried to shine with all his might, but from one beam, and even such a small one, the big black night would not become brighter. Even the stars cannot do this, although there are a lot of them. The bunny got bored alone, and he ran to where it was light. It was a city. There were so many lights that no one noticed Bunny. Most of all he liked the three cheerful lights: green, yellow and red. They played hide and seek - two hide, one drives. The bunny flew up to them.

The red light called out angrily to him:

Then the yellow one looked out and whispered:

- Carefully! Green said:

- The path is clear! Leave, please! Can't you see, we're working! We are a traffic light!

Then the Bunny began to look for children, to look into the dark windows. All the children slept soundly in their beds and had interesting dreams. None of them woke up to play with Bunny.
The bunny felt sad - after all, no one needs him in the night city. And he ran into the forest. “This is where,” he thinks, “I will play with animals and birds.”

The houses ran out, and instead of the street, only the road remained. It was a lot of fun here. The lights of the cars blinked at each other, they raced, they played tag.

- I drive! shouted Bunny, rushing first to one, then to another light.

The cars at first shied away from him, thinking that another car was rushing towards them, and then they got angry and hummed:

- Get out of the way! You don't know our rules!

- Well, okay! - said the Bunny and turned into the forest. The first thing that Bunny saw in the quiet dark forest was a green light in the grass. There were no red and yellow.

- That's good! - the Bunny was delighted. So it's not a traffic light. You can play.

But the light seemed to fall through the ground. Searched and searched for him, Bunny and found nothing in the grass, except for some boring worm. And that was Firefly.

And then midges flocked to the Bunny from all sides.

- Let's dance, let's circle! - the mosquito buzzed and went to dance.

There were more and more midges and mosquitoes. They pushed stupidly, jumped up and quickly got tired of the Bunny.

Where are the animals? Here someone ran, eyes sparkled. The bunny didn't know it was a wolf and chased after it. The hungry beast ran away without looking back, huddled in a heap of deadwood, and howled and gnashed its teeth all night; fear and anger. He did not think that for the first time in his life he was afraid of a hare. Although sunny, but still a hare.

Not finding the animals, the Bunny flew to the nests. Some rook woke up and yelled awake:

- Brrrats! Carrraul! Fucked up! Porrra to work!

Other rooks stirred, raised their heads, saw that it was dark all around, and grumbled:

- Rrrano! Rrrano! Sleep, fool! Only one big bird did not sleep - it flew low, looking for something.

- Have you lost something? Allow me to shine a light for you, - suggested the Bunny.

- Get out! said the bird. I can't see anything because of you.

The bunny was surprised: what kind of bird is it, if it needs darkness to see better? He illuminated it and saw an owl in front of him. They both got scared of each other and scattered in different directions.

“All good animals and birds are sleeping, there is nothing to do in the forest,” sighed Bunny and flew to the sea.
There were ships on the sea. Searchlights shone and the steep windows of the cabins. The ships were so huge, important, that the Bunny did not dare to play with them, dived under the water.

Fish swam in his light. It was not interesting to play with them: they took water in their mouths and were silent. The bunny touched them and bounced off - they are so slippery, cold. The fish are behind him. They move their fins, goggle their eyes.

“And I’ll run away from you,” said the Bunny and surfaced. It wasn't there! Following him, the Flying Fish jumped out of the water, almost caught up with him, but, fortunately, broke loose and flopped into the sea.

The bunny rushed over the sea almost crying: “Ju-u-duck!” And suddenly he saw in the distance a kind, kind beckoning fire. It was the Lighthouse.

It's not scary at all next to him. The lighthouse blinked amiably at the passing ships. The hare decided to help him and also began to wink. But he is also a Bunny because he cannot sit in one place. And the kid began to frolic, run back and forth.

"Go to bed, son!" Lighthouse said softly. - You're bothering me a little. And suddenly, because of you, some ship will go astray!

– Where will I go? – plaintively asked Bunny.

“To the mountains,” advised the kind Lighthouse. - There the Sun comes first with your brothers.

There was a fire in the mountains. Shepherds in hats sat by the fire and sang a long song. Nearby, huddled together, sheep dozed. The bunny imperceptibly crept up to the fire, lay down on the spread cloak and fell asleep.

I woke up - there is no cloak, no shepherds, no sheep. The fire burned out. The poor bunny was chilled, cringed, turned pale. And then the Sun appeared, brothers-rays gushed. And the Bunny, together with them, rolled head over heels into the valley - to play, sparkle, amuse the guys.

*Written in collaboration with Nikolai Panchenko based on his story.


The caterpillar considered itself very beautiful and did not miss a single drop of dew so as not to look into it.

- How good am I! - the Caterpillar rejoiced, looking with pleasure at her flat face and arching her shaggy back to see two golden stripes on it. It's a pity no one notices this.

But one day she got lucky. A girl walked through the meadow and picked flowers. The caterpillar climbed onto the most beautiful flower and waited. And the girl saw her and said:

- That's disgusting! Even looking at you is disgusting!

- Ah well! - Caterpillar got angry. - Then I give my honest caterpillar word that no one, ever, anywhere, for anything and for no reason, in any case, under any circumstances, will see me again!

I gave my word - you need to keep it, even if you are a Caterpillar. And the caterpillar crawled up the tree. From trunk to branch, from branch to branch, from branch to branch, from branch to branch, from branch to leaf. She took out a silk thread from her belly and began to wrap herself around it. She labored for a long time and finally made a cocoon.

- Oh, how tired I am! The Caterpillar sighed. - Completely screwed up. It was warm and dark in the cocoon, there was nothing else to do, and the Caterpillar fell asleep. She woke up because her back was itching terribly. Then the Caterpillar began to rub against the walls of the cocoon. Rubbed, rubbed, rubbed them through and fell out. But she fell in a strange way - not down, but up.

And then the Caterpillar in the same meadow saw the same girl. "Horrible! thought the Caterpillar. - Even though I'm not beautiful, it's not my fault, but now everyone will know that I'm also a liar. I gave an honest caterpillar that no one would see me, and did not restrain him. A shame!" And the caterpillar fell into the grass.

And the girl saw her and said:

- Such a beauty!

“So trust people,” grumbled the Caterpillar. “Today they say one thing, and tomorrow they say something completely different.

Just in case, she looked into the dewdrop. What's happened? In front of her is an unfamiliar face with a long, long mustache. The caterpillar tried to bend its back and saw that large multi-colored wings appeared on its back.

– Oh, that's what! she guessed. “A miracle happened to me. The most ordinary miracle: I became a Butterfly! This happens.

And she spun merrily over the meadow, because she did not give an honest butterfly word that no one would see her.


In the old days, there lived a peasant son Ashir and a daughter of Khan Altyn. And they loved each other.

“Come, Altyn, with me,” says Ashir. - We will raise children, share grief and joy.

“Come along with me,” Altyn replies. Let's live without grief and worries.

They come to the garden. Nightingales sing, streams flow, flowers bloom.

- Beautiful garden! Ashir says.

“Consider it yours,” Altyn replies.

You will see how I will take care of the trees, what flowers I will plant.

- What will people say? Altyn answers. - Greedy, they say, Altyn, could not hire a gardener. Made my husband bend his back. No, dear, I will not allow such a disgrace.

- A rich herd! Ashir says.

“Consider it yours,” Altyn replies.

“I love herding herds,” Ashir says. “You’ll see, not a single sheep will be lost.”

- What will people say? Altyn answers. - Could not, they say, hire a shepherd.

- Great horses! Ashir says.

Consider them yours! Altyn answers.

“I like to follow horses,” Ashir says. - Here you will see how I will groom them, how I will comb their manes and tails.

- What will people say? Altyn answers. - Could not, they say, hire a groom.

Asher frowned.

“It will be boring for me to live without doing anything.

- And we, - answers Altyn, - we will call the guests, so as not to be bored.

“That's good,” Ashir says. - I will cook pilaf for them: you will lick your fingers, you will swallow your tongue.

- What will people say? Altyn answers. - Could not, they say, hire a cook.

“Well,” says Ashir, “then I will sing songs to them, I know a lot of songs.

- Don't worry, - answers Altyn, - we call the singers.

- And I, - says Ashir, - I will tell fairy tales.

“Thanks for reminding me,” Altyn replies. - It will be necessary to invite storytellers.

“I’ll be lost from such a life,” Ashir says. - I'll run away from you wherever my eyes look.

- What will people say? Altyn answers. - Bad, they say, Altyn. The groom ran away from her. No, honey, I'll run away with you!

And they left to raise children, to share joy and sorrow. And what did the people say? And people still tell this story about them.

But there is another ending to this story. Only the bridegroom disappeared and was nowhere to be found. Then the khan's daughter ordered to sell all her wealth and use this money to build a caravanserai - a hotel for travelers, where they could rest and water the camels. And she also ordered that people pass the bricks for this building along a chain from hand to hand across the desert from the other side of the country. They paid a lot of money for it.

It is said that a loving woman walked along this chain from end to end, looking into the face of everyone who passed the bricks from hand to hand. Among the poor, vagabonds and beggars who stood in a chain, she really found her beloved and went somewhere with him. And the building of the caravanserai, which looks like a fortress, still rises above the desert.


All the branches on the tree have long since turned green. Tol alone remained black and naked, as if there was none at all.

A woodpecker sat on it, tapped its beak and said:

- So-so! Completely dry thread. A branch woke up from his knock and gasped:

- Fathers! Is it already summer? Have I missed spring?

“You dried up,” the neighboring branches rustled. - If only the wind broke you sooner or a man cut down, otherwise you spoil the whole tree.

“Nothing,” the branch replied. “Soon I’ll be green.”

“Is it ever heard that the buds open in the middle of summer?” - Neighbor branches grumbled. - In the spring it was not green, in the spring!

“If I’m going to turn green, then I’m not completely dry,” the branch replied.

- You are a bastard! neighbors got angry. - A stick, a club, a chock, a log, a snag!

“Say what you want,” the branch said. “But I will still live.

But her hard buds never opened. She did not feed anyone, did not hide in the shade, did not shelter in the foliage. It did not bloom and did not let winged seeds fly into the wind.

In autumn, the leaves on the branches turned yellow and well, fly, spin. Neighbor branches fell asleep. Now they themselves have become black, naked. The dry branch was no different from them. Even the woodpecker, as if nothing had happened, sat on it and asked:

- Why do not you sleep? Let's sleep, gain strength until spring! And then he recognized her. - How distracted I am! I'm talking about spring to the twig! It does not happen that a dry branch comes to life again.
It fluttered and flew away, and the branch straightened up and said:

- Wait and see.

Winter has come. Snowflakes fell on a branch, covered every branch, every bud, filled every fork. The branch became warm and heavy, as if from leaves. Freezing. Frost needles grew on a branch, enveloped it from all sides. The branch sparkled in the rays of the frosty sun.

"Well! she thought. “It turns out that it’s not so bad to be a dry branch.”

Then came the thaw. Drops hung on the branch. They shimmered, shone, fell one after another, and each time the branch rose and shuddered. As if alive. And snow again. And again frost. It was a long winter. But then the branch looked up: the sky was warm, blue. She looked down: black circles under the trees.

The snow melted. Last year's leaves appeared out of nowhere and let's rush through the forest. Apparently, they decided that their time had come again.

The wind died down and they calmed down. But the branch noticed that even without the wind they rustle quietly. It is from under them that blades of grass crawl out.

Blades of grass crawled out one by one, and the foliage on the tree blossomed all at once. Neighbor branches woke up and were surprised:

- Look you! The twig did not break during the winter. You see, strong.

I heard this thread and got sad:

“So I really am a jerk.” So, nothing will work for me. Even if a man cut me down, threw me into a fire ...

And she imagined how the fire would light up, how tongues of fire would flare up on her, like big red leaves. It made her feel warm and a little sick.

Then a woodpecker sat on it:

- Hi Hi! How is your health? Are bark beetles bothering you?

“Woodpecker, woodpecker…” the branch sighed. - Again you mixed everything up - you took a dry branch for a living one.

- How dry are you? - the woodpecker was surprised. - You just fell asleep. Others are turning green with might and main, but your buds have just opened. By the way, where did the twig that stuck out here go?

- So it was me! - the branch rejoiced.

- Stop talking nonsense! - said the woodpecker. “That was a completely dry branch. Something, but I’ll somehow distinguish a live branch from a dry one. I'm still working on my head.

Analysis of the work of Valentin Berestov "How to find a path"

Tale of Valentin Dmitrievich Berestov "How to find a path" / Appendix 5 / from the series "My first books" for preschool age. A short story for little kids. It talks about how you can get lost and not be afraid. This is a story about kindness, trust and reasonableness. It teaches observation and attentiveness to the world around. The plot is simple and dynamic. The action takes place in the forest, the guys are looking for a way and turn to the inhabitants of the forest for help. The heroes are intelligent, educated, friendly, and thank every inhabitant of the forest, reason. The inhabitants of the forest are very responsive, in their own way, who knows how, they want to help them. It does not matter that the heroes cannot take all the advice. But how much they and with them readers will learn "about the squirrel, hare, bee and even about the snail." For each inhabitant of the forest, the author uses his own conversational feature, which helps children to imagine the characters most vividly.

The use of the works of modern children's writers in educational work in preschool educational institutions

The interest in the book in the child appears early. At first, he is interested in turning pages, listening to an adult reading, looking at illustrations. With the advent of interest in the picture, interest in the text begins to arise. As studies show, with appropriate work, already in the third year of a child’s life, one can arouse his interest in the fate of the hero of the story, make the baby follow the course of the event and experience new feelings for him.

Today, children's reading is increasingly becoming an extremely important phenomenon that determines the level of culture of the future society. One of the guidelines for the child should be an interest in the book.

Reading is a complex process not only of putting letters into syllables, but also an act that requires intense intellectual work (to which a child should be accustomed), in contrast to computer games and cartoons, which have become an alternative to reading. Reading books gives scope for fantasies and, while reading, the child draws some parallels with significant experiences of the characters during the plot of the work. Graham Greene wrote: “It is only in childhood that perhaps a book really affects our lives. Further, we admire her, enjoy her, perhaps, thanks to her, change some of our views, but mainly we find in the book only confirmation of what is already in us. And it is precisely this, “what is already in us”, that in preschool childhood is given to us by parents and educators in the preschool educational institution.

Today, teachers and parents are faced with the choice of using classical works for reading or turning to modern ones. There are recognized masters of modern children's literature: Eduard Uspensky, Korney Chukovsky, Valentin Berestov, Boris Zakhoder, Sergei Mikhalkov, Grigory Oster. It is difficult to imagine today's child's reading circle without their works. Their works are used in preschool and school education programs. According to their poems, children's matinees, quizzes, and holidays are prepared. The distinctness and intelligibility of words, comic hyperbole are easily perceived by the child. Kids, together with modern authors, discover and master the changing world, fantasize, play.

The children went to visit their grandfather, a forester. Went and got lost. They look, Belka is jumping over them. Tree to tree, tree to tree. Guys - to her:
- Squirrel, Squirrel, tell me,
Squirrel, Squirrel, show me
How to find a track
To the grandfather's lodge.

Very simple, Belka answers. - Jump from this Christmas tree to that one, from that one to a crooked birch. From the curve of the birch, a large, large oak tree is visible. The roof is visible from the top of the oak tree. This is the gatehouse ... Well, what about you? Jump!
Thanks, Belka! - say the guys. “But we can’t jump up trees. We'd better ask someone else.
Jumping Hare. The children sang their song to him:
- Bunny, Bunny, tell me.
Bunny, Bunny, show me
How to find a track
To the grandfather's lodge.

To the gatehouse? - asked the Hare. - There is nothing easier. At first it will smell like mushrooms. So? Then - hare cabbage. So? Then it will smell like a fox hole. So? Skip this smell to the right or left. So? When he is behind, sniff like this and you will smell the smoke. Jump straight to it without turning anywhere. This grandfather-forester puts a samovar.
- Thanks honey! - say the guys. - It's a pity that our noses are not as sensitive as yours. You'll have to ask someone else.

They see a snail crawling.
- Hey, Snail, tell me,
Hey snail, show me
How to find a track
To the grandfather's lodge.

Tell for a long time, - Snail sighed. - Lu-u-better I'll take you there-u-u. Follow me.
- Thank you, Snail! - say the guys. We don't have time to crawl. We'd better ask someone else.

A bee sits on a flower. Guys - to her:
- Bee, Bee, tell me,
Bee, Bee, show me
How to find a track
To the grandfather's lodge.
- Well, well, - says the Bee. - I'll show you... Look where I'm flying. Follow along. See my sisters. Where they are, there you are. We bring honey to grandfather's apiary. Well, goodbye! I'm in a terribly hurry. Well...
And flew away. The kids didn't even have time to thank her.

They went to where the bees flew and quickly found a lodge. That was joy! And then grandfather treated them to tea with honey.

The story Berestov V. Illustrations.

This article is also available in the following languages: Thai

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    Thank you very much for the very useful information in the article. Everything is very clear. It feels like a lot of work has been done to analyze the operation of the eBay store.

    • Thanks to you and other regular readers of my blog. Without you, I wouldn't be motivated enough to dedicate much of my time to running this site. My brains are arranged like this: I like to dig deep, systematize disparate data, try something that no one has done before me, or did not look at it from such an angle. It is a pity that only our compatriots, because of the crisis in Russia, are by no means up to shopping on eBay. They buy on Aliexpress from China, since there are many times cheaper goods (often at the expense of quality). But online auctions eBay, Amazon, ETSY will easily give the Chinese a head start in the range of branded items, vintage items, handicrafts and various ethnic goods.

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        In your articles, it is your personal attitude and analysis of the topic that is valuable. You do not leave this blog, I often look here. There should be many of us. Email me I recently received a proposal in the mail that they would teach me how to trade on Amazon and eBay. And I remembered your detailed articles about these auctions. area I re-read everything again and concluded that the courses are a scam. I haven't bought anything on eBay yet. I am not from Russia, but from Kazakhstan (Almaty). But we also do not need to spend extra. I wish you good luck and take care of yourself in Asian lands.

  • It's also nice that eBay's attempts to Russify the interface for users from Russia and the CIS countries have begun to bear fruit. After all, the vast majority of citizens of the countries of the former USSR are not strong in knowledge of foreign languages. English is spoken by no more than 5% of the population. More among the youth. Therefore, at least the interface in Russian is a great help for online shopping on this trading platform. Ebey did not follow the path of the Chinese counterpart Aliexpress, where a machine (very clumsy and incomprehensible, in places causing laughter) translation of the product description is performed. I hope that at a more advanced stage in the development of artificial intelligence, high-quality machine translation from any language into any will become a reality in a matter of fractions of a second. So far we have this (profile of one of the sellers on ebay with a Russian interface, but an English description):