Averyanova Lyudmila Petrovna, teacher primary school, MBOU "Novosheshminsk elementary school - kindergarten".

Extra-curricular event "We say yes to health!".

Direction: healthy lifestyle.

Participants: students in grades 3-4.

Health is one of the most important components of human well-being and happiness. It is the health of people that should serve as the "calling card" of the country. If we do not take care of our health, we will not have a future. The future of our country is happy children. The best way to make children happy is to make them healthy. Therefore, it is important to instill healthy lifestyle habits from early childhood. The ability to lead a healthy lifestyle is a sign of a person's high culture, his education, perseverance, and will.

Federal state educational standard general education is focused on a graduate who follows the rules of a healthy and safe lifestyle for himself and others. It is at school that the tasks of forming a responsible attitude to one's health in the totality of the processes of education, upbringing and personal development should be solved. And the most difficult, important task of the teacher is to create conditions under which the child will be interested in how to take care of their health. Direct calls to lead a healthy lifestyle and bans on so-called bad habits, threats and intimidation are not only ineffective, but also harmful, as they cause hidden opposition in children.

The formation of value orientations, beliefs, an active life position contribute to the involvement of students in the active process of obtaining and processing knowledge. In my opinion, these requirements are implemented in the proposed development of the extra-curricular activity "We choose health", which can be used in work with adolescent children.

Target : formation of sustainable motivation to preserve, promote health and to a healthy lifestyle.


    To update and develop students' knowledge about health and a healthy lifestyle;

    To form the skills of independent analysis and evaluation of the information offered;

    Cultivate an active life position, a responsible attitude to one's health;

    Practical implementation of the need to lead a healthy lifestyle;

Stages of preparation and conduct of the class hour:

    Determination of the topic of the class hour; choice of purpose, content, form; formation of a community of class hour organizers, to involve as many participants as possible in the process of preparation and holding;

    Determination of the date and place of the class hour; drawing up a plan for the preparation and conduct of a class hour; script work;

    Conducting class hours; analysis and evaluation of the effectiveness of the class hour and activities for its preparation and conduct.

The organization of the class hour began with the psychological adjustment of students on this topic. When choosing a topic, the age characteristics of children were taken into account. Preparation for the class hour was carried out in advance: they chose an asset, students to speak, got acquainted with materials from various sources of information, compiled a script for the speech, and conducted rehearsals with presenters and readers.

1 leader: Hello, Dear friends! I say “hello” to you, which means that I wish you all good health!

Lead 2: Have you ever thought about why greeting people includes wishing each other health?

Lead 1: Probably because health is the most important value for a person. But, unfortunately, we start talking about health only when we lose it.

The student reads the poem.

Cigarette country-

She is very dark.

Who ever stepped into it,

He smoked a cigarette.

He got it wrong in a lot of ways.

He lost his health.

Better sports, computer, books

For girls and boys.

Learn to say "no"

Any pack of cigarettes!

Lead 1: Until the middle of the 20th century, it was believed that health is the absence of disease. Guys, do you agree with this? And here is an example: a person does not hurt anything, but he has a bad memory. Is he healthy? Or another example: a constantly drunk person. Nothing hurts him either, but can he be considered healthy?

Lead 2: Health is not just the absence of disease, it is a state of physical, psychological and social well-being.

Lead 1: The main factors of health: movement, nutrition, regimen, hardening. Factors that worsen the state of health: alcohol consumption, smoking, drug addiction.

Performance of the song "Good Road"

1 presenter: Guys, I suggest you playin the game "Screamer".

    I wake up early in the morning

I rise with the sun.

I make my own bed.

I quickly do ... (exercises)

    Not offended, not inflated.

And hit - nothing.

Do not keep up with ... (ball)

    Two birch horses

They carry me through the snow.

These red horses

And their name is ... (skiing)

    Treats young children.

Heals birds and animals.

Looking through his glasses

Kind doctor ... (Aibolit)

    Escapes like a living thing.

But I won't release it.

Foams with white foam.

Don't be lazy to wash your hands. (soap)

    I took two oak bars.

Two iron rails.

I didn’t fill the bars - the slats,

Give snow, ready ... (sled).

    He knows a lot about us.

What is the name of our mother.

Knows height and knows weight.

Who sleeps and who eats.

He does not take his strict eyes off us,

Because it heals us ... (doctor)

    Bone tail.

And on the back - bristles ... (toothbrush)

    I want to become a strong man

I come to the strong man:

Tell me about this:

How did you become a strongman?

He smiled back.

Very simple: for many years,

Every day, getting out of bed,

I lift ... (dumbbells)

Lead 2: Every person has habits, but they are all different. We call some of them harmful because they adversely affect the health of the person who has them and harm others.

Lead 1: What do you think, what bad habits can a person acquire if he does not think about the consequences? (smoking, alcoholism, drug addiction).

Lead 2: Today we will talk about the consequences of such habits. Listen to a poem about imitating others.

The poem is read by a student.

It happens that I don't know


I imitate crazy

Adults, children and everything.

Everyone laughs - I laugh

Everyone is fighting - I'm fighting.

Everyone doesn't do their homework

And I strive for this.

Following friends

Knowing nothing

I rushed through the circles to everyone,

None of them lingered.

I'm tired of all this -

Imitation is empty business.

Other people's successes, great deeds,

No matter how hard I tried, they were not mine.

Lead 1: As we heard from the poem, we all ever involuntarily imitate someone. But imitation is an empty business, especially if you imitate bad deeds.

2 leader: We bring to your attention a sports dance.

Lead 1: You and I found ourselves in different life situations, and it may happen one day that you will be offered to smoke in order to establish yourself in the company or feel like adults.

Lead 2: So, guys, I think you are smart and courageous, and therefore you can always say “no” to smoking.

Installation of poems about the dangers of smoking.

1 child.

Camel walking in the desert
The camel carried a pood of goods.
Thoughts tormented him:
Why do people smoke?

After all, smoking is bad!
Everyone knows from childhood.
But contrary to teaching
Even old people smoke!

Are they all stupid
Man among animals?
If a camel smoked
Who would carry the cargo?

2 child.

"Smoking is bad" they say
I'd rather plant a garden.
Let the apple trees bloom in spring
And the birds sing merrily.

"Smoking is harmful," they echo us.
Let it be fresh in the morning
The air that we breathe
In the meadows admiring the flowers.

3 child.

They say that a cigarette

Deadlier than a pistol

Kills without fire

Smoked horse.

4 child.

Smoke from your cigarettes

Covers white light.

We are drugs and smoke

Let's say out loud: NO! NO! NO!

5 child.

Willpower, that's salvation!

Here's to overcoming everything!

Don't smoke and don't inject

You better do sports!

6 child.

If you want to become skilled

Agile, fast, strong, brave,

Learn to love jump ropes

Balls, hoops and tags.

Never be discouraged!

Hit the target with snowballs

Quickly rush down the hill in a sled

Or get on skis -

Here is the secret of health!

Be healthy! Physical education - hello!

Lead 1: Raise your hands, please, who have never been sick. And who got sick once a year? And who gets sick two or more times? Look, we are used to getting sick! But this is the wrong setting. Let's change this attitude and remember that it is natural for a person to be healthy.

Lead 2: Physical education and just physical exercises help a person cope with a bad mood and improve their health. Let's solve a crossword puzzle with the keyword - physical education.


    What is this game?
    Did the kid run?
    The ball is driven by who is faster,
    They kill who is more dexterous. (Football)

    If you win the match
    And threw the ball into the net
    If the jump is higher than all,
    What will you get, friend? (Prize)

    In the morning we are on schedule
    We always do ... (Exercise)

    When spring takes over
    And the brooks run ringing,
    I jump over it
    And she through me. (Rope)

    For the field, he always watches,
    To have a fair game. (Judge)

    This horse does not eat oats
    Instead of legs - two wheels.
    Sit on horseback and ride it
    Just drive harder. (Bike)

    I have guys
    Two silver horses
    I drive both at the same time.
    What kind of horses do I have? (Skates)

    Doesn't play by the rules
    Even if one player
    For the judge to correct him
    You need to whistle at ... (Whistle)

    The rain is warm and thick
    This rain is not easy.
    He is without clouds, without clouds
    Ready to go all day long. (Shower)

    The mesh is tight,
    Next is the goalkeeper.
    What is this place
    Where is the blow directed? (Gates)

    The mouse runs on ice
    Will I get in, won't I? (Washer)

Dealing with this business
You will become strong, dexterous, courageous
Plus a great figure.
That's what it means ... physical education!

1 host: Do you want to be healthy, strong,

Young, beautiful, stylish,

With an athletic figure?

Do ... (physical education)

2 presenter: Your attention is given to the scene "On the dangers of smoking."

Sketch about the dangers of smoking

Student 1: Hello!

Student 2: Hello! What's up?

Student 3: We miss you! We went to Valera to drink tea!

-1. Have a cup of tea? That's nonsense! There are always cooler things!

-2. In cars, perhaps, to play? We are eight years old already, not five!

-1. Here you give, boy, in kind! We have a suggestion: let's smoke!

-3. Valery, do you hear? I'm afraid!

-1. Come on guys, don't be afraid!

I have a stash in my pocket

I hid a pack at my father's!

Take it, Valera, don't be afraid!

Look, take a deep breath!

-2. I can't - the first time!

-1. So, I show class!

(Pretends to inhale, begins to cough.)

Heh, heh, I can't take it anymore!

-3. Let me help you! (Slaps back.)

-1. Yes, it's just out of habit! I'll try again! Where are the matches?

-2. Give it to me, you can't just! (Pretends to drag on.)

For cigarettes did not come out tall!

In cool, come on, pull!

3. No, Valera, don't drive! Mom learns - to be in trouble!

2. So there is no her anywhere!

We won't tell you, don't be afraid!

Just do one puff!

3. No, guys, I won’t smoke.

I want to grow big.

I dream of becoming an athlete since childhood,

Like Uncle Igor next door.

1. Athlete - so what's stopping you?

Athletes smoke - I know for sure!

And from childhood they smoke very simply!

2. Moms just intimidated us,

To smoke we suddenly did not!

Look, the puff turned out

And nothing happened! (Starts to cough.)

Yes, you try, take it easy

What is life without cigarettes!

Everyone calls you weak

And they will definitely laugh at school!

1. Yes, exactly - sissy!

He couldn't make it! (Laughs with student 2.)

3. I am not afraid. Why do you think so?

I want to grow up first

I want to decide in life

And there is no point in a cigarette!

1. Well, him! Go away

And don't come to us again!

2. And at school tomorrow we will tell everyone

Why couldn't you even smoke!

Student 3 leaves with his head down, students 1 and 2 laugh at him, then leave. A tall guy comes out - a high school student, students 1 and 2 with glued mustaches go towards him.

3 Physical education hello to you, kids!

Where are we going, where are we going?

1. Hey, do we know each other?

3. Familiar! I'm Pyaterkin Vova!

And you are Valera and Seryoga!

Well, you have changed a little!

Your mustache just grew

And growth somewhere the third class!

2. Pyaterkin Vova? You give!

You don't smoke, so you don't drink?

3. Yes, I am an athlete! Another excellent one!

Military service border guard!

Now I'm going to college

Already the guys from the course are waiting!

How are you?

1. Yes, everything is okay.

In the seventh stuck, for the life of me!

And we are already twenty-three years old ...

Science is out of my head!

2. When we started smoking,

That something began to junk!

Went around the corner, smoked

And then I fall without strength!

1. And therefore we do not grow-

The two of them were small!

Others have grown up

And we are no longer destined!

3. And then I told you

What will deprive you of smoking strength,

It will slow down both the mind and growth!

The answer then seemed simple!

Smoking was not worth learning!

They began to swallow beer in the entrances,

So you stopped growing!

And the mind, of course, dulled!

1. Your advice would be useful to us!

Tell me where to go now

3. It's time to take up the mind as soon as possible!

Go in for sports, and for this

Quit cigarettes soon!

Then health will return to normal!

Well, remember?

12. Let's remember!

Lead 1: Speaking about health, we must definitely remember about stress. They lie in wait at every turn. Scientists say that a sharp awakening and rise is already stressful. The road is stressful. Parents scold ... I quarreled with friends ...

Lead 2: I know people who say: “And you smoke - and everything will pass”, “Drink a glass or two and feel better.” And you know they are wrong. Stress can be relieved in other ways: you can go out into the forest and scream loudly, count to ten, turn on calm music, close your eyes and think about good things.

1 presenter: There is another wonderful stress reliever - this is a song. When you feel bad, try to sing.

The performance of the song “I will make friends with sports” by a boy and a girl with a support group (children with sports equipment imitate sports: boxing, stuffing a ball, rotating a hoop, jumping rope, etc.).

Lead 2: "Alcohol" and "smoking" these words are known to each of us. Humanity has faced these problems for a long time. But in Lately very young people drink and smoke, sometimes not realizing the harm it can do to their health

1 leader: The World Health Organization in 1988 declared May 31 as World No Tobacco Day. The task set before the world community is to ensure that the problem of smoking disappears in the 21st century.

Lead 2: Whether our country is healthy or not depends on us, on each of us!

Performance of the song "Big round dance" by 2 soloists (a boy and a girl) and a children's choir (in the hands of all colored balloons over their heads)


A healthy lifestyle today is a requirement of the times. The problem of forming a healthy lifestyle is one of the most urgent in library services to the population, especially young people. Being healthy has become fashionable and prestigious. The work of the library in this direction provides for events that actively promote a healthy lifestyle, help organize leisure activities for young people, attract them to reading, introduce interesting people and their hobbies.

Chaltyr settlement:

- "Just Say No"
(to the International Day
fight against drug addiction)
- « Road trip
health” - (to the World
health day)
- "Book in Service"
- What you need to know about

- "Encyclopedia of Vitamins"
"Activity is the way to
longevity "(to the Day

information hour


useful hour

book. exhibition





- "School of Safety"
- “In a sports body -
healthy spirit,
- "On the road to good
- "The addictions that take away

- "Vitamin country",
- The all-seeing eye of man
- «Visiting hygiene and

book. exhibition
a game
book. exhibition




- "Sport +",
- "Self Destruction of Man"

rec. conversation
book. exhibition


No. 13 Abovyan

- "Our friend is health"
- " Healthy lifestyle -
path to longevity
- "Help yourself survive!"
- " Sport - is life,
it is joy, health"


book. exhibition,




Bolshesalskoye settlement:
- "Tobacco Free Life"
(on World Wrestling Day
with smoking. gaming
library number 5,
2011 p. 26.),
- “Drug addiction is a sign of trouble”






Kalinin settlement:
- "To health with a book"
(literature on medicine),
- « Addictions that take away
life "(for students in grades 3-4),
- "I save health -
I will help myself"

book. exhibition

Krasnokrymsk settlement:
- About healthy lifestyle
life" (to the World
health day)
- "Dad, mom, me -
healthy family",
- The road leading to
- " Life is Beautiful -
don't ruin her"
(on World Day
fight against AIDS)

book. exhibition

book. exhibition



- "Your favorite sport"
- Alcoholism, smoking,
addiction - how to stop
This is madness?"
book. exhibition
health lesson
- "Make a Choice"
(to the world day against
- "Don't let yourself be fooled"
(to the International Day
drug addiction)

health lesson


- "Drugs - no!"
(to the International Day
fight against drug addiction)
- "Chocolate or a cigarette",
- "No Tobacco Day"
(on World Day
no tobacco)

open viewing

open viewing

Crimean settlement:
- "Don't Step into Hell"
(about the dangers of drug addiction),
- "Take care of your health from a young age"
- "We are beautiful and strong"
(healthy lifestyle),
- “Health comes first”

health lesson

book. exhibition
health hour,
c.- view




Nedvigovskoe settlement:
- "Let it always be
tomorrow" (literature about
drug addiction, smoking)
- "Law and Drugs"
(for grades 8-11),
- "In a certain kingdom -
sports state"

c.- view

legal day
book. exhibition



- "Drugs: Knowledge vs.
mirages" (for grades 9-11),
- "Today be healthy -
fashionable and prestigious!
(for Health Day),
- « Healing plants
around us"
- “Choose life without
tobacco smoke (for
5-9 grades),
- "An ominous shadow over the world"
(about AIDS, for grades 7-11)

open viewing

book. exhibition







- "Be healthy, strong,
- “Health is a priceless gift”
book. exhibition
book. exhibition


Petrovsky settlement:
- « Take care of your health
from a young age"
(on World Day
- "A passion that takes away
life" (to the World
anti-smoking day)
- "Drugs - the ticket
one way"
(on World Day
drug addiction)

book. exhibition


- "The name of trouble is Drugs",
- "Tasty" book - food
for the spirit, mind and joy,
- "Sports Kaleidoscope"
- "Encyclopedia of Sports"

book. exhibition

book. exhibition







All-Russian open lesson

"Healthy children in a healthy family"


Quiz "The ABC of Health"


Health lessons "We want it to become fashionable - to be healthy and free!".



Health Day "Journey into the world of nature."



Interactive game "Learning to be healthy in body and soul"


Issuance of leaflets on measures for personal prevention of SARS and influenza.



Conversations with parents about the need for influenza vaccination, personal and social prevention measures, the need for timely medical attention and the dangers of self-treatment of their children.


City sports and recreation competition "Dad, Mom, I am a sports family"


Thematic period

"We are for a healthy lifestyle"



All-Russian action "We choose sport as an alternative to addictions"


Lessons in health and safety. "If you are in danger!"



Carrying out raids “School uniform must be in “uniform”

during a year

Lessons in health and safety. Cool watch "Pyrotechnics - from fun to trouble!".


Volleyball and pioneer ball competitions for the prize of Santa Claus.



Month of defense and sports work "The sacred duty is to defend the Fatherland" (according to a separate plan)



World Health Day.

KTD "School - territory of health"

(according to a separate plan).

Unified health lessons.



Lessons of law, health and safety "To be healthy - to serve the Motherland!".



Parent meeting "The role of parents in the prevention of delinquency and the formation of a healthy lifestyle in children."


Hikes and excursions« Summer for five plus.


May June


preventive operation "Health"

in MOBU secondary school No. 8 from 10.10 to 10.11.2013




Cool clock "Drugs: between life and death"

8 - 11

Classroom teachers

Dance changes "Do as we do, do with us, do better than us!"

5 -11

Deputy director of VR

Physical education teachers

Exhibition. Rainbow of Joy with "health butterflies"


Classroom teachers

Speeches of the propaganda team

"Health Lessons from the School of Uncle Knowing"

1 – 4

Classroom teachers

Competition program "It's great to be healthy!"

5 - 7

Classroom teachers

Targeted excursions to the forest "Health from nature itself"

1 -11

Classroom teachers

Action "Healthy lifestyle is fashionable!" Electronic presentation competition

7- 11

Classroom teachers

Design of the stand "Healthy lifestyle"

Responsible for the Health program

Book exhibition "It's great to be healthy!"



holding sports competitions within the framework of the action

"Sport is an alternative to bad habits!"




From school records to Olympic heights



Fun starts



Pioneerball Tournament

5th, 6th


Presidential competition



Sports all-around (individual championship)

4th, 5th, 6th


sports relay



Heroic fun



Fun starts "We are Olympians"



Darts competition "The most accurate"



mini football tournament

5th, 6th


basketball tournament



Merry relay race



Obstacle course "Home"



School-wide exercises




about the school stage of the All-Russian action

"Sport is an alternative to bad habits"


During the period from 01.11 to 30.11. In 2013, within the framework of the action "Sport - an alternative to bad habits", 12 sports competitions were held at the school between students in grades 1-11, in which 467 people took part. A friendly meeting of boys' volleyball teams of school No. 2 and school No. 8 was held. Our team became the winner of this game.

Competition results.

Team competition.

"Merry relay race" 1st classes: 1st place 1a class

"We are Olympians" 3rd grade: 1st place 3a grade

"Merry Starts" 4th grade: 1st place - 4b grade.

"Sports relay race" 2nd classes: 1st place - 2nd class

Pioneerball tournament grades 5-6. Boys: 1st place - 5a class;

girls: 1st place - 6b grade.

Basketball competitions between 6th grades: 1st place - 6b grade.

"From school records to Olympic peaks" 7th grade: 1st place - 7b grade.

"Presidential competitions" 8-9th grades: 1st place - 8th grade.

Personal results.

Darts competition between 4th grade students: 1st place - Danil Svishchev (4a class), 2nd place - Denis Savitsky (4a class), 3rd place - Alina Gavrilova (4b class).

Presidential competition. Boys: 1st place Dima Kazakov (9th class), 2nd place Pasha Gerasimov (9b class), 3rd place - Vladimir Obrazhei (8th class).

Girls: 1st place Christina Lugovskaya (grade 9b), 2nd place - Nastya Gryaznova (grade 8), 3rd place - Nastya Nosatova (grade 8).

Pioneerball tournament with elements of volleyball - the best player Usenko Irina (7a class).

In a friendly match between the teams of schools No. 2 and No. 8 in volleyball, Ulyanov Alexey (10th grade) was recognized as the best player.

"Bogatyr fun" between young men of 10-11 classes: 1st place - Kolchenko Evgeny (11th grade), 2nd place - Ermolaev Alexander (11th grade), 3rd place - Kushnarenko Vitaly (11th grade).

A friendly meeting of boys' volleyball teams of school No. 2 and school No. 8 was held. Our team became the winner of this game.

According to the established tradition, on November 27, exercises took place, in which not only students, but also teachers took part.

As part of the campaign, 21 Olympic lessons were held. The group of lecturers held 16 talks with presentations "History of the Olympic Games", 11 quizzes "Olympic Records", in which 175 children took part. The winners of the quiz were students 1a, 2b.

All classes took an active part in creative competitions. An exhibition of students' works was arranged at the school. School stage winners are:

  • competition of literary works: Dobrev Petr (1a), Bogolyub Iuliania (4a), Roshchina Kristina (4a), Osipova Kristina (4b), Timoshenko Elena (9b).
  • drawing competition: Uliana Bychkovskaya (1a), Vitalina Shorokhova (1b), Stepan Parfenov (1b), Sofia Diabdenko (1b), Roman Railyan (4b), Ruslan Efremenko (4a), Kristina Osipova (4b), Saveliy Shvets (4a).
  • booklet competition: Kolesnikova Antonina (3c), Bogolyub Juliania (4a), Nosatova Anastasia (8).
  • leaflet competition: Alexey Shurshikov (4a), class 2a collective work.
  • poster competition: Irina Golovina, Tatiana Ochkalova (9a).

Works - winners of the school stage were sent to participate in the municipal competition.

Pupils of the 3rd grade spoke to the children of the elementary school with the “Healthy People” propaganda team, urging everyone to go in for sports and observe the schoolchildren’s regimen.

The 8th grade volunteer team "Throw" held a number of events as part of the action: the speech of the propaganda team "Over and again we will tell the people:" Addiction can steal freedom! "; distribution of leaflets “Only healthy habits”, questioning “Your attitude to drugs”.

Sent to the city competition research Nosatova Anastasia “Bad habits - NO! Let's say YES to sports!

An exhibition of literature under the slogan "Being healthy is fashionable" was arranged in the school library.

The stand "Health as a lifestyle" was decorated in the recreation of the school.

All information about the events held as part of the action "Sport - an alternative to bad habits" is posted on the school website, Dnevnik.ru and the stand "Faster, Higher, Stronger".


Game program "Smoker - his own gravedigger"


Campaign "Tell me where they sell death"


Release of booklets "Vacations - the territory of health"


Healthy Habits Week


Interactive event "Healthy person - healthy country"


Action "Week of kindness"


Campaign "Forward, rescuers!" - cleaning the area around the school


Campaign "Summer is the time for discoveries, not losses!".


Participation in city actions on a healthy lifestyle.

during a year

Yurkova Elena Vyacheslavovna, Chief Librarian of the Maintenance Department of the State Budgetary Institution of Health of the Ryazan Regional Children's Library

Game forms of work in carrying out activities to promote a healthy lifestyle

The need to be healthy is a basic human need. It must be ensured in society by the constitutional right to life, therefore, society is obliged to create a certain minimum of conditions designed to protect the health of its citizen. General human health consists of physical, mental and social health. All these "kinds" of health are closely related. Thus, mental health is based on the foundation of the physical, moral and social health is based on the mental. “A healthy mind in a healthy body,” they said in ancient Sparta.
In Russia, now only less than 10% of school graduates can be considered healthy. According to the Institute of Developmental Physiology, during the period of schooling in children, the frequency of visual impairment and posture increases 5 times, 4 - neuropsychiatric abnormalities, 3 - pathology of the digestive system, i.e. already existing deviations in the state of health become chronic.
The program "Being healthy is stylish!" has been working in our library for 5 years. And during this time we can already talk about how much it is in demand. It is pleasant to note that the schools of our city actively involve the library with the activities of the program in holding decades and months of health. The demand for events is also due to the fact that most of them are based on the use of game forms of library work.

Program objectives:

To form in schoolchildren ideas about responsibility for their own health and the health of others;
. To form the basis for critical thinking in relation to knowledge, skills and practical actions aimed at maintaining health;
. Provide students with the necessary information to form their own strategies and technologies to maintain and improve health;
. Expand and diversify the interaction of the library, school, parents and society in the context of health promotion.

The business of the library is to engage precisely in informing about the preventive literature available in its arsenals, and not to try to replace doctors, psychologists, and narcologists. Ancient oriental wisdom says: “Let the sick and suffering one pick up a book - there are no stronger medicines in the world.”
Alas, we have to admit that, despite the efforts made by doctors, lawyers, teachers, the number of children and adolescents using intoxicating substances continues to grow. And here the mission of a librarian, as a carrier of information, having different tools for presenting this information, becomes, as experience shows, very much in demand.
To make sure that schoolchildren, forgetting about their teenage nihilism, from third-party listeners who came to the event at the behest of the teacher, become active participants in what is happening - this is perhaps one of the main tasks that I set myself when preparing for the event. Therefore, the events combine different forms of library work - games, discussions, creative tasks, elements of a dispute, quizzes are combined with a conversation, elements of a lecture, and all this is supported by an audiovisual series.
In my speech, I will try to dwell on some events.

Information hour "Experiment of a lifetime: sport in the life of Ivan Petrovich Pavlov".

This event appeared at the request of Gymnasium No. 2 of our city. In that educational institution studied our fellow countryman - a physiologist, Nobel laureate I.P. Pavlov. And now it bears his name. Everyone is well aware that Ivan Petrovich was an avid city dweller, but not everyone knows that he was fond of gymnastics, cycling, walking, swimming, hardening, did a lot for the development of the so-called mass physical education classes. One must see the eyes of younger schoolchildren when they listen to a story about this side of the life of a great physiologist. During the preparation of the event, I was greatly helped by the publications of a sports journalist and publicist, the author of the subject "Sports local history", which is taught in Ryazan state university them. S.A. Yesenin at the Faculty of Physical Culture and Sports of Igor Iosifovich Burachevsky.

Conversation with elements of the oral hygiene game "Journey to the Toothbrush Galaxy"

During this lesson, the guys will learn: what teeth are, how people at different times and in different countries relate to oral cavity prevention, check and replenish their knowledge of hygiene, and of course, taking into account psychological features junior schoolchildren, all this is accompanied by creative and game tasks. It should be noted that before the start of the lesson, the class is divided into 2-3 teams.

Educational game tic-tac-toe on a healthy lifestyle "You will be healthy - you will get everything"

The game "You will be healthy - you will get everything!" designed for students in grades 5-7, built on the principle of the popular game "Tic-tac-toe".
Goals and objectives:
- Introduction to the norms of a healthy lifestyle
- Promoting the development of creative, communicative abilities of children.
- Development of horizons
- Acquisition of group work skills.
- Identify the components of human health and establish their relationship.
Rules of the game: The players are divided into two teams "X" and "O". As in the usual "Tic-Tac-Toe", a 3x3 field is drawn. The task of each team is to build either a diagonal, or a vertical, or a horizontal line from their symbols faster than the opponents. Each sector of the field has its own name (“Myth or Truth”, “Erudite”, “Council of the Wise”, etc.) The “X” team has the right of the first move. Both teams answer the questions of the sector, but the right of the first answer belongs to the team whose captain raised his hand first. If the team won the round, it puts its badge on the playing field in this sector. The next sector is opened by the team that lost the round.
Before the start of the game in each playing field, students are given a brief introductory information. And after answering the question, the librarian completes the answer of the students, thus strengthening the knowledge of the students.
Sector Myth or Truth
- healthy person one who is cheerful, active, inquisitive, resistant to adverse environmental factors, hardy and strong, with a high level of physical and mental development is considered.
There are many reasons why there is a deviation in human health. This includes malnutrition, the presence of any diseases, a sedentary lifestyle, bad habits, and much more. It often happens that many of the assumptions taken as an axiom, in fact, have no specific basis.
In this sector, you have to debunk the myths associated with bad habits and give them an accurate interpretation.
1. Smoking helps to relax when a person is nervous.
(MYTH, because nicotine is highly addictive.
It affects the activity of the brain, leads to a change in mood.)
2. Tobacco is a drug.
(TRUE: The nicotine in tobacco is addictive.)
3. Alcohol is a stimulant, its use leads to an increase in good spirits. (MYTH, because alcohol is a depressant. It depresses the activity of the brain.)

Intellectual and educational game on healthy lifestyle "Remember and do not repeat"

Rules of the game:
1. Five teams take part in the game. The winner is the one who first collects five stars, or, if no one has collected five stars, the one who has more stars. Stark tokens can be exchanged for stars
2. At the beginning of the competition, the team calls any number on the playing field, for example, B-5, then the game develops by itself. The leader turns over the square with the named number. On reverse side the square shows the sign:
A star is a question of increased complexity. If the answer is correct, the player receives a token - a STAR.
Circle - a question, by answering which the team receives 3 tokens - healthy. For 10 tokens - ZHIkov you can buy one star.
Cross - a question-blitz. All commands are answered. Correctly answered - receive 1 token - HLS.
There are signs on the playing field - traps:
Arrow - opens a nearby square in the direction of the arrow.
Lightning - the team loses all health tokens.
Black hole - the team skips a turn. You can pay off the "black hole" by donating a star or 5 ZOZHIkov.
Star Questions (10)
1. This mixture consists of 200 harmful substances, including carbon monoxide, soot, formic acid, hydrocyanic acid, arsenic, ammonia, hydrogen sulfide, acetylene, radioactive elements and others. Name the mixture. (Tobacco smoke.)
2. Why are all organs of a smoker on "starvation oxygen rations"? (Carbon monoxide in tobacco smoke binds to hemoglobin in the blood, resulting in carboxyhemoglobin that cannot carry oxygen.)
Questions for getting three tokens - healthy people (15)
1. What diseases of the respiratory system are caused by smoking?
(bronchitis; tracheal cancer; lung cancer.)
15. Name the birthplace of tobacco: (South America)
Questions for obtaining one token - healthy lifestyle (7)
1. How long after a puff does nicotine appear in brain tissues?
- 10 minutes;
- 7 seconds;
- 1,5 hour.
2. What bad habit and why does obliterating endarteritis cause a person's disease, in which the vascular system of the legs is affected, sometimes until the vessels are completely closed and gangrene?
- smoking;
- excessive consumption of beer;
- addiction.

Mind game about bad habits for older students "ZOZH-darts"

Several teams take part in the game, each of which is given tokens of a certain color. On the scoreboard - a circle - darts in color thematic sectors under the numbers there are cards with questions. Players take turns drawing a question number. If the answer is given correctly, then the color token of the team that gave the correct answer is placed on the scoreboard in place of the question card.
The game circle-darts looks like this:
. historical sector
How were smokers dealt with in England during the reign of Elizabeth the First?
Smokers were equated with thieves and led through the streets with a rope around their necks.
. Literary sector
In ancient times, it was believed that tobacco is healing, it was considered a stimulant and sedative. With the help of smoking, they tried to treat toothache and headache, some skin diseases. One well-known literary work by a foreign writer describes how the main character tried to be treated for a fever with the help of tobacco. “... and suddenly I remembered that the inhabitants of Brazil are treated with tobacco for almost all diseases; meanwhile, in one of my chests there were several packs: one large pack of finished tobacco, and the rest of loose tobacco.<…>I did not know how tobacco was used against diseases, I did not even know whether it helped against fever; so I made several experiments in the hope that one way or another its effect should manifest itself.<...>My tobacco treatment has probably never before been used against fever; Having experienced it myself, I would not hesitate to recommend it to anyone. True, it stopped the fever, but at the same time it terribly weakened me, and for some time I suffered from convulsions throughout my body and nervous tremors. ” What is the name of the literary hero, author and title of the book? Robinson Crusoe from the book by D. Defoe

Intellectual sector
Does nicotine provide any benefit? Yes, it is used as an insecticide - a substance that kills harmful insects

Practical sector (blitz questions)
The harm caused by nicotine affects more than just the smokers themselves. US scientists have found that taxes from the tobacco industry amount to $ 8 billion, and losses due to reduced work capacity, illness and premature death are ....
- 7 billion dollars
- 10 billion dollars
- $19 billion

Theoretical sector
They say one drop of nicotine kills a horse. What is the lethal dose of nicotine for humans? 2-3 drops or 50-100 mg. It is this dose that enters the bloodstream after smoking 20-25 cigarettes. The smoker does not die just because the dose is administered gradually, not in one go.

Multimedia conversations with elements of the business game "Beer front", "Stop and think!", "Running in a circle"

These activities are of great interest to high school students. And this is facilitated by their involvement in dialogue, discussion during the event.
Many of the activities on a healthy lifestyle are in demand in the subprogram "Interaction of schoolchildren and judges in the prevention of drug addiction, neglect and delinquency among minors" regional project"Meet the judicial system of Russia." A special category of schoolchildren from the so-called "risk group", i.e. prone to committing offenses - the target audience of this subproject. Teenage nihilism, gaps in family education makes this group of teenagers difficult to communicate with. Therefore, we tried to find such methods in the events prepared by us in order to interest the children, give them the opportunity to assess the situation in which they find themselves and draw appropriate conclusions. Prepared interactive conversations with elements of the business game "Substance abuse", "Beer front", "Let's talk about drug addiction", etc. allow the children not only to get information, but also to become participants in the discussion themselves. Immediately after the meeting in the library, "in hot pursuit", schoolchildren go on an excursion to the anatomical museum of the Ryazan State medical university them. Academician I.P. Pavlova. Such an algorithm of actions, as further analysis of the work showed, has a positive value.

Health needs to be protected from a young age. There is a well-known proverb about this. In this article I would like to talk about what you can prepare activities for a healthy lifestyle.

What it is?

At the very beginning, you need to deal with such a concept as a healthy lifestyle. What is it? I must say that this is a whole concept of the life of an individual. Its main goals are:

  1. Disease prevention.
  2. Maintenance and preservation of health.

To do this, you can use a variety of ways, the main ones of which are: a healthy diet, physical activity on the body, rejection and the right morale.


So, I would like to separately consider all kinds of activities for a healthy lifestyle. In what ways can one try to convey the truth to citizens of different ages? First of all, this can be done through conversations on a given topic. This is most often used in schools. So, not only teachers, but also various specialists in the medical and sports industry tell children and adolescents about why they should try to adhere to certain rules and what their violation is fraught with. In this case, you can use a variety of supporting materials: real life stories, video and photographic materials, posters, sketches. Similar activities can be carried out in adult groups.


What other activities are there? So, if we are talking about schoolchildren, you can organize a small quiz. In this case, you will first have to prepare a script and choose which will relate to a given topic. And to make it more interesting for children, everything needs to be organized in the form of a small competition with the definition of the winner and small prizes. In this case, the guys will be more attentive in this game form learn the material offered by teachers much better.

Children's Health Day

What can be activities for a healthy primary school? In this case, you can organize a Health Day. But for this you have to involve parents. So, children are invited to spend the day according to pre-agreed rules (exercises, a healthy breakfast, classes at school, a walk in the fresh air, playing sports, etc.). That is, a child can be given a task to do a maximum of things that are healthy for health in a day. As evidence, you can ask the kids to film or photograph certain activities. Kids will love this, as they will need to use modern gadgets (which even the smallest children can easily master). As illustrations of a healthy lifestyle, you can take a video of how the young winner spent the day. And, of course, the child will have to be rewarded. For example, it can be an element of sports equipment.

Health Day (at city level)

Considering the activities for a healthy lifestyle, I would like to say separately that you can also hold a Health Day at the city level. To do this, you can connect social services and other city institutions that should deal with similar issues. So, the plan of the event can be completely different. The day can begin with a collective jog of the townspeople along the main street of the city. Then you can hold all kinds of competitions: football, basketball, volleyball, etc. It's a good idea to organize relay races, bicycle races. And in order to attract young people, we will have to think about modern and non-classical sports. So, you can open breakdance competitions, organize a tournament for skateboarders or roller skaters. In fact, there are many options. The point is to involve as many citizens of various age groups as possible in the action.

Poster Contest

Why not organize a competition for the best Healthy Lifestyle poster? So, this can be done at the level of the class, school. You can even organize an interschool tournament. To do this, groups of children should make the most informative and creative poster "Healthy lifestyle". As a gift to the winner, this creation can be placed on the billboards of the city or region.


Everyone knows that a healthy lifestyle is great. After all, a person is trying not only to maintain, but even improve his health. And in this case, such a method as training helps a lot. What it is? During the training, children play certain situations, according to the results of which they must draw the right conclusions. That is, the training itself is not aimed at showing how to do it right (live, act). Its goal is for the child to understand what is “correct” with a simple example. Such classes can be carried out in a variety of age groups. Undoubtedly, all children of different ages will enjoy participating in such activities.


Prevention of a healthy lifestyle is a very important action that concerns not only children, but also adults. And in order to better and better conduct conversations on a certain topic, it is best to organize meetings with various specialists. So, it won't just be a lecture by a healthcare worker or a skilled athlete. During such meetings, listeners can ask questions, ask what exactly interests them on a particular issue. The interest is that a specialist in a given field is better versed in certain concepts and categories than, for example, a simple school teacher. So, the doctor will be able to more clearly tell why smoking is harmful and how exactly it affects the patient's health. And an athlete with a category will more easily tell you how to properly conduct training in order to improve your health, and not harm it.


Various public organizations like to do all sorts of actions on a given topic. Why not hold a similar event, which will be called "Healthy lifestyle is great!"? In this case, all kinds of booklets, brochures, calendars with slogans, etc. are involved. You can also make a short speech with short scenes that relate to a healthy lifestyle. To attract the attention of passers-by, you can use all sorts of methods. Even a brief informing citizens about the rules of a healthy lifestyle is of great importance and action.

Sport competitions

An excellent tool for improving health is sports. It is simply impossible to organize a healthy lifestyle without it. Therefore, it is possible to instill a love of physical activity in children through various competitions. So, the guys really like to find out who is better. Therefore, you can organize a variety of sports competitions. All of them should end with the selection of winners and their rewarding. This is a great motivation for kids of all ages.

Round tables

The prevention of a healthy lifestyle can also be discussed at a round table. So, this event is more relaxed in its scenario. In this case, the participants sit down at the so-called negotiating table and argue on a given topic. What's the plus here? During conversations, disputes can arise, which, as you know, give birth to truth. In addition, various round tables often arise that can then be successfully implemented.

Information stands

A very important stage is called “formation of a culture of a healthy lifestyle in a child”. So, for this, all means are good. In addition to active actions (competitions, competitions, promotions, meetings), various information stands are also very useful. These are often placed in schools and other educational institutions. So, they should be not only as informative as possible, but also bright. That is, those that attract attention. The stand should be interesting, not boring. The child needs to want to read it or at least view it.

Life for health

All parents should know how to properly form. So, for this it is enough to organize the day yourself so that it is as beneficial to health as possible. We all know that children learn from their parents. If mom and dad smoke and do not play sports at all, there is no need to demand the opposite from the baby. However, if the baby sees every day how mom prepares a healthy balanced breakfast, and dad does exercises, the baby will learn that this is normal, as it should be. Therefore, first of all, it is necessary to form a healthy lifestyle for parents, and then demand the same from their heirs - children.

This article is also available in the following languages: Thai

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    Thank you very much for the very useful information in the article. Everything is very clear. It feels like a lot of work has been done to analyze the operation of the eBay store.

    • Thanks to you and other regular readers of my blog. Without you, I wouldn't be motivated enough to dedicate much of my time to running this site. My brains are arranged like this: I like to dig deep, systematize disparate data, try something that no one has done before me, or did not look at it from such an angle. It is a pity that only our compatriots, because of the crisis in Russia, are by no means up to shopping on eBay. They buy on Aliexpress from China, since there are many times cheaper goods (often at the expense of quality). But online auctions eBay, Amazon, ETSY will easily give the Chinese a head start in the range of branded items, vintage items, handicrafts and various ethnic goods.

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        In your articles, it is your personal attitude and analysis of the topic that is valuable. You do not leave this blog, I often look here. There should be many of us. Email me I recently received a proposal in the mail that they would teach me how to trade on Amazon and eBay. And I remembered your detailed articles about these auctions. area I re-read everything again and concluded that the courses are a scam. I haven't bought anything on eBay yet. I am not from Russia, but from Kazakhstan (Almaty). But we also do not need to spend extra. I wish you good luck and take care of yourself in Asian lands.

  • It's also nice that eBay's attempts to Russify the interface for users from Russia and the CIS countries have begun to bear fruit. After all, the vast majority of citizens of the countries of the former USSR are not strong in knowledge of foreign languages. English is spoken by no more than 5% of the population. More among the youth. Therefore, at least the interface in Russian is a great help for online shopping on this trading platform. Ebey did not follow the path of the Chinese counterpart Aliexpress, where a machine (very clumsy and incomprehensible, in places causing laughter) translation of the product description is performed. I hope that at a more advanced stage in the development of artificial intelligence, high-quality machine translation from any language into any will become a reality in a matter of fractions of a second. So far we have this (profile of one of the sellers on ebay with a Russian interface, but an English description):